"Well we'll just have to hope it's not too late," I replied.

He looked away and cursed himself.

"Aston, what's wrong?" I frowned.

"Nothing babe."

"I'm not angry at you."

"I know you're not."

"What is it then?"

"I'm tired, that's all," he shrugged.

"Okay, we can sort it out in the morning."

He kissed my forehead and held me close in his arms, drifting off into a deep sleep as I did.

I woke up the following morning before Aston, still in his arms but a little more tangled now. Despite knowing he's safe I had a pretty restless night. It's not the idea of Aston staying out that bothers me, It's the way he didn't let me know. I suppose he's right though, you do get caught up when you're out.

I wriggled out of his grasp and tiptoed across the bedroom floor to use the bathroom. I didn't check the time but it must be close to nine by the noise coming from downstairs.

"There you are," Aston yawned stretching out across the mattress as I returned.

"I needed to pee."

"Again? your bladders weaker than my Nan's."

"I'm pregnant," I laughed climbing back in bed. "What do you mean again, anyway?"

"I heard you get up at least twice through the night."

"Sorry, blame our baby," I said kissing him firmly on the lips.

He flinched again.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked.


"Flinching. Have you hurt yourself?"

"No," he replied.

"You're a little bruised around your nose."

"Oh, I did walk into a cupboard door yesterday. I didn't realise the effects it had."

"That was very clumsy of you," I giggled.

"Yeah, it's not the first time I've done that."

I reached over to the bedside table and picked up the mug of hot chocolate, now stone cold. I forgot all about that. Moving it aside I took my phone and checked my messages.

"I've got a message from my parents, they want us to go over for dinner sometime," I said.

"Yeah, we can book the house viewings for the same day."

"That's an idea."

"I'll get onto the estate agents so you can arrange an evening, I can book us into that hotel again if you want?" Aston smiled.

"No, we can stay in their spare room now we're together."

"Okay then."

"They can't wait to meet you."

"I can't wait to meet them," he said tucking a fallen piece of hair behind my ear.

All of a sudden a clatter of pans from downstairs startled us both. I frowned back at Aston but then I remembered my conversation with Siobhan last night, it's her day off.

"It's your Mum, she'll be cooking breakfast," I said.

"Please tell me she's doing a full english," he grinned at the thought.

"I doubt it, you'll be in her bad books."

I made myself look more presentable and followed Aston downstairs and into the kitchen. A packet of bacon is already laid out on the worktop and a frying pan is sizzling.

"Oh, you are home then," Siobhan spoke raising her right eyebrow at Aston.


"What have I always told you, it doesn't matter what.."

"What the time is, as long as we know you're safe. I know Mum, I'm sorry."

"It's not me who needs an apology, I knew where you would be. Kayleigh was worried sick last night, she doesn't need that stress in her condition."


"I hope you're making him grovel love," she said.

"I'm sorry okay, but we've discussed it and it's fine," Aston said taking two glasses out from the cupboard.

"Hmm, well you're only getting a bacon sandwich."

I chuckled quietly to myself sitting down at the breakfast bar.

"Is there any eggs?" Aston asked.


He passed me a glass of juice and sat down on the stool beside me.

"Why aren't you at work anyway Mum?"

"I've changed my days off around this week to suit your father, he wants to go out thursday," she replied.


"What are you two doing today?"

"I'm going to try book some house viewings in Essex," Aston said taking his bacon sandwich and smothering it in ketchup.

"There's not much I can do at the moment," I shrugged taking mine.

"I'm sure I can find you some jobs around the house if you're at a loose end love," she giggled.

"Yeah, whatever you need doing."

"No, I was joking."

"It's fine, I like to do my bit. It feels a bit strange not having a house to keep clean if I'm honest."

Any other woman moans about housework, but after the events we've had i'll be glad to get back to normality.


Vote for more, just a few more parts left :)

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