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Returning from the dance floor with an empty glass I stood at the bar with Clare scanning the room whilst she ordered. I haven't seen Aston since I left him with Kelly and her 32 B's in his face.

"I'm sure he'll be okay, you know what Kelly's like," Clare reassured.

"That's why I'm worried."

"Good friend is he, Aston?"

"What? Oh," I stuttered. "Yeah, we've just became close since Charlie's left."

"Oh right."

"Support, that's all," I smiled gulping rather than sipping from my glass.

"Hey! I haven't finished with you," Dan slurred tugging at one arm for more dancing.

"I've done more dancing than I have drinking."

"Lets get some shots, I have an idea. Where are the others?"

"Aston's here," Tom said nodding behind me.

Swinging my head around I saw him walking over, alone. Putting his hands on my shoulder he stood close as everyone else gathered around us, the shots starting to line up on the bar in front of an excitable Dan.

"Alright?" Aston asked down my ear.

Nodding I smiled. "Where did you go?"

"I haven't been anywhere babe."

"Drink up guys," Dan ordered making sure everyone had a jäger. "There's plenty more on the way."

Aston's not so eager, "just the one for me."

"Oh, come on.." he moaned.

"I'm driving to Essex in the morning."

"Aston," Kelly frowned wobbling over in her heels. "Don't be a bore, it's fine isn't it Kayleigh? You're not going to stop him having fun are you?"

"I haven't stopped him from doing anything Kelly," I bluntly replied.

"Well then," she smirked.

Looking to me for approval Aston agreed to continue. I haven't stopped him from drinking tonight and I'm not even making him take me tomorrow. He offered, practically insisted, and he's the only one who knows his own limits. Taking my second glass I knocked it back hoping to make the night that bit easier, I just know its going to get worse.

"I have a game that will get us going, we're all too sober for my liking," Dan said with a tray of shots in his hands.

With no seats available we hovered around the bar listening to Dan explain the rules of a drinking game we've all played no end of times, but we let him carry on anyway. "Never have I" always ends badly, there's bitchiness, teasing and we all end up completely wasted in the space of an hour.

"Okay, If you all know the rules. Tom can start," he instructed.

Shrugging he kept things bland, "Never have I broken the law."

As Luke took a shot we're a little disappointed to find out he's only had a speeding fine.

"Next," Dan moaned. "Kelly."

"Never have I, hmm, gone out without underwear on."

I thought about it, but Clare is the only one to take a shot.

"My turn," Megan said. "Never have I cheated on a partner."

This one I don't like, gulping I dodged Astons eye.

"Ooo.." Kelly grinned. "This is where it gets fun."

Luckily nobody took a shot. I've not thought about my 'situation' with Aston as cheating since the first day, I mean it certainly doesn't feel like cheating.

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