Say "Yes!" To The Dress : Chapter Thirty

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It had been a few days since my meeting with Shuffletruff, and still questions and thoughts lingered in my mind. I pushed them to the back of mind, seeing as I had a wedding to organize and attend to. That was stress enough. I thanked Elune quietly though, as I had surprisingly not become a 'Bridzilla' as they call them. At least, that's what I thought. I was certain Ciellva had some more light to shine on the situation,

"IT'S STUCK!" I protested greatly, holding my crushed torso. Ciellva panicked, letting go of the corset lace. I took in shallow breaths, as the undead girl did her best to unlace the torture device.

"I-I'm trying to get it off! The string is caught though!" Ciellva said. Drommita giggled and just watched, scanning the corset situation.

"By Elune's tits! I-I cannot wear it this tight on the wedding! Kalder will be kissing a corp-" I paused, my gaze drifting over to Ciellva. She narrowed her glowing yellow eyes. She took hold of the corset string. "Ciellva, I didn't m- !" Before I could finish, I let out a pained gasp. She had tightened the already small corset. I clenched my teeth.

"Hmph!" The undead crossed her arms, holding her head up high.

"Wouldn't that be necrophilia?" Drommita quietly questioned. "I mean, you aren't a dead body and can feel and stuff but like. . .Would it still count?" The Gnome knitted her eyebrows. Ciellva's pale cheeks would have flushed red if she had any blood in her. She stomped a foot on the ground, her kneecap flying off.

"C-Can we drop the topic of undeath!?" She asked, becoming irritated. The punt-sized Gnome hopped off of her stool she was perched up on. Drommita waddled over to where Ciellva's knee went. She crouched down, reaching under the dresser. She stood up tall, holding up the bone as if it was a trophy of sorts.

"AH HA!" She proclaimed. Ciellva limped over to her, snatching from her stubby little fingers. She began to reattach it to her leg, rolling her bony limb around slightly.

"There we go." She sighed. She glanced over at me, seeing that I was beginning to become blue in the face as my corset slowly strangled me. The two rushed to my side, the two starting to undo the lace. Once it was fully loosened, I fell over, gasping for air. I placed a hand on my toned stomach.

"Never. . .W-Wear. . .A corset. . .Aga-Again." I wheezed, before closing my eyes.

"Well, you may have to. You've gained weight - and it's all going to your ass and thighs." Drommita said, smirking. I pried my eyes open to shoot her a deathly glare.

"It isn't fat - it's muscle. Can dragons get fat?" I sharply responded.

"Hmph! No! People think flying is so easy. It's not! It takes a lot of effort. I have to lift tons of dragon weight. I am a majestic being. Powerful and mighty! I can easily outlive the both of you. I am older than you, Forest Fairy!" The Bronze in disguise boasted proudly.

"I could only imagine so." I said, standing up to my feet. I stared at the corset on the floor with much contempt. I then peered at the dress opinions before me. There were wooden manikins, dressed in elegant and fine white wedding gowns. Kalder's sister had made the dresses to my size, her wedding gift to me. They were gorgeous, but it made me question how they would contrast with my toned figure. I did not have an alluring body like my mother. No, my body was more pear-shaped. I had a lacking of breasts, but was lucky enough to gain my mother's childbearing hips. Maybe Elune was real after all.

"So, which one do you think I should go for?" I asked from my friends for their fashion advice. The two slid up to my sides, each placing a thumb and index finger by their chins. They stared intently at the dresses, mentally taking notes of the pros and cons of each dress.

One was a long, traditional Lorderon human wedding dress, floral designs twisting up the white fabrics. The sleeves were created from the same designs, though their material was simply mere lace than lace-on-silk. It trailed to the ground, a small piece of the chest area cut out, giving a minimal view of whatever cleavage I could muster.

The second was of a more modern Elven style - which was ironic, seeing as the Kaldorei typically hold tradition and old ways close to their hearts. A blend which seemed to contrast my personality; though I was of Night Elf race, I had grown up around the ever changing and evolving humans. Truly, an innovative race.

The skirt piece of it touched the floor, though it had a large parting on the left side where my thigh would be, running through the fabric. The dress was sleeveless, only covering my shoulders. A silver belt wrapped around the waist, a moon symbol carved into it. Beautiful sparkling red jewels enriched the belt, along with leafy markings giving it more life.

Finally, there was the plain stereotypical Kaldorei wedding dress. It was of a slim fit, having long sleeves which would cover the palms of my hands. The top piece of the dress was a vibrant hot pink hue, while the rest was a deep green. Flowery designs were stitched into the rims of the dress. It wasn't the most flashy or well looking, but I did hold my race close. Even if they were a bunch of animal-fucking-bikini-armour-wearing-stuck up Elves.

"Which one do you think I should pick?" I inquired, peering over at the two girls. They wrinkled their noses in sync, squinting at the attire displayed before them. They went back to scanning for the one billionth time.

"I honest don't know, Forest Fairy." Drommita shrugged, seeming perplexed that she could not make her decision.

"I'd feel very bias picking the Lorderon dress." Ciellva giggled slightly, perking up. "I think it's too formal for Forest's taste though." From it gave a so-so motion with her small, chubby hand. I let out a sigh. This seemed totally hopeless!

A/N: Hello hello there my loyal reader! Do you enjoy Among Fae? Want to add a bit to the story? Well now you can! You can vote in the comments on what dress Fae should wear to the wedding! Leave a comment on this chapter about what dress she should wear!

Votes will be counted on 29/04/2017!
Thank you and have a spectacular day!

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