Stuck with HIM : Chapter Nine

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I dragged my numb body across the burning sand, crying out for my twin. No answer would ever come back though. I went to piles of debris, weakly shifting through them in hopes of finding one of my teammates. Nothing. For the first time in my life, I was completely alone. It was just me and the corpses of Kalder's crew that washed up along the coastline. I kept making my way along the beach for what seemed like forever, constantly calling out for my party. Like before, no one came. Though to my surprise, a few feet head, I would spot something or someone shuffling underneath the wooden planks. I briskly moved over to it, helping whatever or whoever was stuck under it out. My pearly white eyes widened, as I uncovered the poor soul that was trapped under the rubble.
Poor indeed, as Kalder was left in my hands.
"You. . ." I quietly growled, clenching my teeth. The Paladin groaned in discomfort, unaware of my presence as he was still unconscious. This caused more spite and anger to swell in my chest. I wanted him to know I was there. I took off his chest plate, throwing it into the water, exposing a tank top underneath his golden armour. My hand curled up into a fist. I jumped up, landing my elbow in his ripped gut. All of the air was pushed of him, a wheeze heard from him as his eyes snapped open.
"Wake up!" I screamed, gripping his neck. I pressed him up against the sand, tightening my hold on his throat as he gagged.
"I said WAKE UP!" He tried to say something, but he could not as I strangled him. I leaned in over to his ear, hissing.
"If my brother is dead, I'll make sure death would be an act of kindness once I am done with you." I stumbled onto my feet, sand in the crevasses of my leather attire. I watched as Kalder tried to crawl away, unarmed. I shuffled over to him, before stomping on his back. I gripped his messy, blond ponytail, dragging him along with me. He was too weak to fight back. It was clear that in a test of hand-to-hand combat, I would win. Though I will admit, I did not give him a fair chance, but life isn't fair.

I slowly made my way along the sandy beach, Kalder trying to pull away from my iron grip. He did not succeed.
"Fae," he groaned in pain.
"What in the Lights name happened to the ship?" He asked, short of breath. He coughed up some water. My eyes drifted down to the pitiful Paladin, my teeth clenching.
"How the Fel should I know?" I did my best to keep my anger in check, but I could hear my heart beat through my ears. With each moment that pasted, the more I feared I lost my twin. Silence fell between us as I dragged him along. Most of the ride, I was simply dragging him along. Though he was staring up at me, almost searching for something. Maybe he saw I had a heart, as the tears became harder and harder to hold back. There is an old saying I heard from Jarico; 'Never look the enemy in the eyes, because eventually you will see something you do not want. A human being'.

"The male Kaldorei. . .With the bow - he is your brother, right?" I gripped his ponytail tighter, jerking him forward. He gasped in pain, laying in the sand. I pulled him up by his golden strands, making sure he was face to face with me. I made him look into my eyes. I wanted to let him know, even though I was not human, that I was still a living being. I wanted him to know how I felt.
"Damn right." I hissed. I kneed him in the gut, continuing to search the shore. He coughed, falling back into the sand. The sun began to fall behind the sandy mountains, telling me noon has just pasted. I was running out of day light, and all I was finding was drowned sailors. Not to mention my stomach was starting to growl at me like a wild animal. I was no hunter, and not only would I lose Equinos if I could not find him, but I may also die of starvation. Kalder noticed the odd noises that came from my gut, slowly perking up an eyebrow at me.
"Hungry?" He asked. I turned my cold gaze to him.
"What's it to you?"
"Let's say. . .If you let me go and quit beating me, I'll get you something to eat." The Paladin attempted to bargain with me. This made me scowl under my red tattered mask. How stupid did he think I was?
"Clearly, you would simply escape if I let you go."
"I give you a Paladin's oath! I will not run. You can accompany if you wish, and then we can regain our strength and search for your brother." Why should I care for some Paladin's oath? Paladins don't torture people, the only expiation being the Scarlet Crusade, a bunch of crazed Light kissers. I snickered quietly, looking over at Kalder.
"How pathetic." I said, my hissing snicker turning into a soft chuckle. I was laughing at him.
"Pardon me?" He narrowed his eyes.
"How desperate we all become when we are weak. We consort with our enemies."
"And you find starving to death amusing? Are you truly that stubborn that you rather die than gain aid from me?" I huffed. He was right, I was stubborn as all Fel. I might have actually done that - starve. I growled at him, kicking at his side before moving along.
"Silence." I simply stated. He winced, glaring up on at me.
"Wouldn't you want to die a more honourable way? In the heat of battle?"
"Well I almost did, thanks to you." I scowled.

I supposed another hour pasted, as the sun was now three quarters through the sky. My stomach was starting to burn a bit, as I had become too use to the luxuries of food. I forgot how to starve and be ok with it. I also began to feel a bit faint, my mouth now drying. My eyes drifted over to Kalder, in a glaring look of defeat. He turned his gaze up to me, curious on what I had to say. I threw him to the side, the Paladin rolling in the sand. He slowly rose up onto his feet, nodding.
"Well? Get to work." I huffed.
"Yes, I do. I'll need a knife or something of the sorts." I looked at the debris behind us. Soggy planks of wood and dead sailors.
"Well, get searching then." I said stalely.
"E-Excuse me?" He said, almost in disbelief and in offence.
"Go on and look for your weapons. Do you honestly believe I would give you mine?" The human looked up at me, glaring. He mumbled something under his breath, and he slowly made his way to the shipwreakage. I was on my guard, making sure he wouldn't try anything once he found his materials - If he would find any. Eventually, he found a wooden plank which was intact and a shard of metal. He picked up some seaweed which drifted on the surface of the crystal blue water and then came back to me. He threw the materials down at my feel, panting slightly.
"A little tired out?" I snickered, Kalder getting straight to the point.
"You have a blade. Can you sharpen the wood for me, please?" Even in the presence of his enemy, he was polite. Most likely because his enemy was holding his life in their hands - my hands. Though without him, I'd have no dinner. I sighed, kneeling down. I took one of my blades off of my belt, gripping the plank. I began to sharpen it, taking a seat as I guessed I would be there for a bit. Kalder did the same, staring at me. I looked up from my work, perking up an eyebrow.
"What is it?" I inquired, scanning his body language. Calm and refined. Perhaps he was planning something? He snapped out of his daze, blinking at me. His eyes drifted away from mine.
"It is nothing." He said. Liar.
"It's best not to lie to the one sparing your arse. . ." I stated coldly. He waved his hands in front of himself.
"I-I swear! Forest I -" Before he could finish, I jolted over to him, gripping his throat. He wheezed.
"Only family and friends get to call me that. . .'Forest'. You will address me as 'Fae' or 'Miss Darkstream'." I let go of him, the Paladin rubbing his neck while coughing.
"You're really rough and tough, aren't you?" He scoffed, taunting me. My ears twitched, my eyes slowly narrowing at him. I got up, folding my hands behind my back.
"I trust you can assemble the rest of your weapon yourself, Kalder."
"W-What!? It is not even fully -" I cut in.
"If it is not done by sundown, you will be killed. Plain and simple." He cursed under his breath, moving around me to get at the parts. The rest of the evening was spend monitoring the Paladin and watching his pathetic attempts at forming a spear. He was truly horrendous at crafting make-shift goods. The sun began to sail across the blue sky, threatening to dip below the mountains mountains of sand. I could tell that Kalder was beginning to panic, as his working efforts sped up. Time was running short. He attempted to tie the metallic shard onto the semi-pole shaped wood with the seaweed, but he simply could not tie a good enough knot. The skies hue began to shift to a golden and orange one, the sun ceasing it's bluffing at began to hide behind the sandy landscape. Kalder looked up at me, not so much as a glint of sorrow in his eyes. He did not beg at all.
"It appears I am beaten." He sighed, dropping his regents. I slowly approached him, unsheathing my blades. He hung his head down, waiting for my killing blow. I raised them above my head, starting to bring them down onto him. Though, something stopped me. I realized that none of The Silent Hand was around. I realized that I could show mercy and get away with it this time. I stared down at the pitiful Paladin, sheathing my blades. I sat down infront of him, taking hold of the metal shard and seaweed. I effortlessly tied it to the wooden beam, Kalder slowly lifting his head.
"W-W. . .Why?" He asked, disbelief in his voice, and a tint of anger. I didn't look up at him, finishing up my work. I shoved the spear into his arms, rising to my feet.
"Because I need someone to catch my food." I lied through my teeth. He had one of the most puzzled expressions on his face for a split second before smirking. He stood up to his feet, turning to walk into the desert landscape.
"Right. I will not fail you, Miss Darkstream." With that, we made our way into the burning desert, which began to cool down as night began to fall upon the savage land. The plan was to get our food, and then continue our search for my twin.

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