Through It All : Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning started off with that undead woman from before coming to wake me up. I had discovered her name was Ciellva Mooreway. She was a drop out student for Scholmance; a whole academy dedicated to training mortals and immortals alike in the dark and vile magics of the Scourge. A Silent Hand member had found her recently and took her in. She must have only been a teenager. Someone so young, having their life cut so short. I suppose, I was just as awful as the Scourge. The only difference was that I didn't bring them back to torment the ones they loved.

Ciellva took me outside, encouraging mild physical activity to get my strength back up. The cool springs had turned into the beginnings of warm summers. It was shocking to witness how fast the seasons changed, but I guess being in the same desert environment for so long so make one forget seasons even existed.

We walked through the woods, the trees in Redridge always the same reds, oranges and yellow-greens. She wore a basic blue dress with black and silver trim. Her hair was long and thin, having a faded black hue.

"So what's it like being out on the battlefield, Miss Darkstream? Being the masked face of The Silent Hand?" She asked curiously. Ciellva acted as if The Silent Hand were heroes, but I suppose they were in her sickly yellow eyes; they saved her life after all. Though I would not let her live in that illusion. Someone so youthful as her should not have someone as vile as me to look up to.

"It's rough, kid." I said honestly. "You have to kill people - sometimes innocent people. No matter what race," my eyes slid over to her, her expression becoming disheartened. I went on regardless. "No matter what age. Whatever target I am given, I have to eliminate. It's them or my family." I shook my head, holding my arms with a sigh.

"Why don't you just leave, Miss Darkstream?" She furrowed her eyebrows, her decaying features becoming a bit hardened as her young mind tried to grasp the information I had just given her.

"It's the mafia, kid. I can't just 'leave'. Being a high enough rank, I have information I can spew to rival guilds or authorities. If I do leave, I would most likely be assassinated, as well as my family." She gently took hold of my hand, her skinned fingers cold and exposed. I shifted uncomfortably as she touched me, my distaste for undead kicking in a bit. I did my best to keep my cool, not wanting to often the youngling.

"When you do muster up the courage to do so, I'll be there, Miss Darkstream!" She tried to say confidently. I laughed, ruffling up her hair. She didn't so much as flinch, just looking up at me sheepishly.

"You're an idiot, kid." I said with a smirk. "Rule number one of being apart of The Silent Hand: Never get attached. People die too quickly in this order. You never know who you are going to see again. Besides, you still got your life ahead of you, kiddo. You have a chance to get out of here and do something with your life -"

"I'm undead, Forestfae. . ." Ciellva interrupted me, addressing me by my first name. She smiled sadly, the rips in her cheeks spreading a bit. Her rows of rotting teeth now visible. "There isn't a future for me. Not a normal one, at least. I can't go back home. There is no home to go back to." She walked on ahead, gazing up through the canopy of autumn-like trees. "I don't have any friends to really go to - only The Silent Hand."

I caught up to her, taking hold of her shoulder. The bone was sticking out and I felt my core shiver a bit. I tried to pull through for the girl.

"Hey, I'm sure there is a place for you in the Forsaken -"

"Forsaken?!" She exclaimed, whipping around to look at me. Her eyes were glossy, tears streaming down her pale blue cheeks. She probably suffocated, resulting in her skin tone. The Forsaken was a group of Undead who broke free from the evil Scourge, forming together to battle their original master, the Lich King. They threw their lot in with the Horde, the opposing faction of the Alliance. The Silent Hand knew no such word such as 'faction'. "I would have to fight my former friends and family! I would have to fight you!" My eyes widened a bit. How could someone become so attached to me in such a short time? I knew I had to shut her down, because she did something irrational.

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