You're Going Down With Us : Chapter Eight

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I jolted up from my hammock, my eyes darting around as my vision soon cleared. Water was flooding into the room, the hammocks empty. Panic quickly filled me. I knew what was happening; the ship was sinking. We were caught. I jumped out of my hammock into waist-high water, searching for my leather armor, mask, and my daggers. I wouldn't be completely useless in battle without my daggers, but it is harder to kill someone with just your fists. In the water, I was lucky enough to find my mask, though I was forced to dive under in attempts of finding my daggers which have most likely sunken down onto the floor along with my leather wears. My head was under to the murky water, searching for any sign of my weapons. I swam around a bit, but only found my leather gloves. After picking them up, I was forced to go get more air. After returning to the surface, I took in a deep breath, putting on my gloves and mask before going to search once more. After a few dives, I found all of my armor and my two daggers. Though it was now more alarming that the water had risen from my waist to my neck; the neck of a woman who was seven feet tall. I quickly made my way to the deck, where more explosions were heard, along with shouting.

The shadows of the night were quickly pierced, a flash of light appearing to graze over the water. More lights appeared across from our boat. Torch lights. I quickly searched the area for any sign of Equinos or the others. Deck men were quickly rushed about, most likely going to refill our canons. I grabbed one by the arm, pulling him towards me.
"What in Elune's name is going on!?" I shouted, making sure I was heard over the firing of our canons. He snarled, yanking his arm away from me.
"Alliance scum, paladin guild by the looks of it! They hit our bow and the whole storage room has gone under! Miss Darkstream, we are sinking!" The 'we are sinking!' Part played through my head once more, as I tried to grasp his words. Before I could as another question, he ran of back to his duties. How could he have followed us? My thoughts were broken as I spotted the other ship slowly drifting towards us. Wearing his arrogant smirk, was Kalder, just standing and watching. Our eyes seemed to lock, regardless of the distance. I felt rage and hatred boil in my veins, my fists clenching. If we were going to drown, I sure as Fel would make sure he sinks with us. I called out for Equinos, the ship shaking as another canon ball was fired. I ran through the bustling sailors, seeing Equinos and the others by a smaller boat, getting ready to depart.
"See! There she is. I told you she made it." My twin told the group, pointing to me. I hastily made my way to them, getting into the boat with them.
"Alright, so, as you can all see, The Evergold Sacrament has been tracking and following us somehow - Not to mention that our ship is sinking. It's our job to go over there and make sure they go down with the rest of us."
"Isn't our mission to retrieve The Speaker Of The Dead?" Jackson asked.
"Well, we won't get anywhere if those Paladins keep following us." I interrupted. We had no more time to speak. A dock hand began to lower out boat into the water. With that, our stealth mission had begun.

We all took a hold of an oar, rowing our way over to the guild's ship. Canon kept blazing from behind us and ahead, the shot missed would plummet into the dark and murky water. We were cloaked in the stillness of night - or what was left of it. The boat had not spotted us yet, though if they, one shot could simply kill all five of us. Finally, our little row boat tapped against the turning ship. Drommita simply floated up, carrying Jackson with the same spell she used on herself, while the rest of us Kaldorei scaled the side of it. We jumped onto the deck, the sailors startled. Kalder was standing across the deck, watching our ship under attack. I felt rage swell up in my chest. I rushed through the sailors, cutting down the ones who weren't armed. They screamed out, before falling onto the blood stained deck. Kalder looked over his plated shoulder, his blue eyes locking on me.
"Took you long enough." He smirked, turning to face us.
"MEN! To the deck." He commanded, his alpha personality visible as warriors and paladins flooded the deck, even though he appeared to not the be the captain of the ship. Before we knew it, we were surrounded by a dozen troops and Kalder. I scowled, gripped my tantos in my hands.
"I like these odds, five against thirteen." Shuffle snickered, shadowy mist swirling around him before he faded from sight. A paladin cried out, falling onto his back as he had been Backstabbed. With that, the battle began.

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