Aftermath : Chapter Sixteen

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My mind was over loaded with one too many thoughts. One, Drommita was a Bronze Dragon. Secondly, my twin brother has gone mad and is rushing towards me. Finally, Jackson had. . .

With all the shock running through my mind, my reflexes were currently handicapped. I tried to jump out of the way, but I simply wasn't quick enough. That on top of the unexplained dizziness would lead to my right arm getting snagged by the blade. Crimson stained the sand, as I rolled out of the way, quickly getting up. I slashed one of my tantos at him, hoping to just give him a warning shot. He effortlessly moved out of the way, tilting his head to the side as he looked at me, a morbid look in his eyes. I had never seen him like this before.

"Brother, whatever is in there and taking control, FIGHT IT! We have to get home to father in one piece. . ." I did not care so much about our father, but right then, it was the only thing I could think of.  He just smiled, approaching me. I gripped one of my tantos, but my ears were suddenly filled with a loud shrieking noise. Shuffle and I cupped our hands over our knife-shaped ears, crying out. I fell to my knees, my vision a blurred mess. A sharp pain shot through my back, as Equinos had found his way to me. I gasped, taking hold of a fist full of sand. I saw what I believed to be Shuffletruff's form crawling towards me, withering in pain. Some form of black spike had been impaled to my back, blood starting to pool under my miserable form. I reached out a hand to Shuffle, only to hand it stepped on by my brother. He kept speaking in tongues, ripping the spike out of me before moving onto Shuffle.

"K-Kilgon. . ." I muttered, tears streaming out of my eyes as I desperately tried to stop Equinos. I grabbed his ankle, trying to tug him back towards me. He just kept advancing, dragging me along in the sand. I could feel the grains of sand making their way into my wounds, which stung like all hell. He then kicked me in the face, making my grip loosen. He raised his sword, hacking it into Shuffle's back. He cried out. I struggled to get on my feet, the constant ringing making me dizzy, along with the blood I kept loosing. I tried to swing a punch at him, which only resulting in blood spewing out of my mouth, as he shoved his short sword into my gut. I slowly fell to my knees, Shuffle screaming. It was getting harder to see, as everything was fuzzy. His screams and Equinos' laughter began to fade out. That is until I saw a flash of bronze. I forced myself to focus on the creature that had just appeared.

"Be gone, evil deity! These lands and this Night Elf do not belong to you!" She said, her voice booming with authority.

"But the Kaldorei does, foolish dragon! They were promised to me by birth!" Equinos cackled. He didn't sound like himself. It was as if a deeper and darker voice had hollowed out my brother's body, only to put their self into it. A mask.

Drommia, in her true form, scooped up Equinos into her maw, biting down on him lightly. Just hard enough to make him stop. Though he didn't. He cleaved the side of her snout, causing her to drop him. Suddenly, it seemed as if the scene replayed itself once, though this time, Drommita threw him onto the ground just before he could land a blow. She placed a claw on him, flicking him in the head in hopes of knocking him out. She was successful. The dreadful shrieking noise ceased, my ears still ringing a bit from the high pitch it gave off. She approached Shuffle and I, lugging my brother behind her. She turned into her Gnomeish form, her whimsical expression gone. Who was I truly looking at? My goofy Gnome magi, or a member of the Bronze Dragonflight. . .?

She took hold of us, before turning into a dragon. We were placed on her warm, scaly back. I tried to keep my eyes open, Shuffle grabbing hold of my hand. He squeezed on it, attempting to help me stay with him. I faintly smiled at him.

"Drinks after this. . .?" I muttered. I could hear his voice becoming hoarse as tears ran down his lilac cheeks.

"Sure, on me. You have to stay with me here though, alright? Or else you are paying." He chuckled through his sorrow. We took to the sky, as I felt the winds brush up against me. That wasn't the only thing I felt. Shuffletruff scooped me up into his arms, holding be gently. I leaned into his embrace, before everything went black.

Among FaeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora