Be Nice ForestFae : Chapter Three

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Rays of sunlight shined through my window, attacking my face. I tried to open my eyes, but suddenly shut them. A small groan escaped my lips as I rolled over, trying to block out the sun. I slowly opened my eyes, taking in the world around me. I felt around for the music box frantically. 'Did I kick it off the bed!? Oh sweet Elune no!' I thought. I turned to my night stand, seeing it safely placed there. I let out a sigh of relief. Equinos may have come in my room last night to check on me. I shuffled out of bed, placing my feet on the cool wooden floor. It was mid spring, yet it was still chilly to me. I stood up and took off my leather armour that I had slept in. This left me in some shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt. I looked in the mirror, my short, purple hair going all over the place. I went through the drawer that held it up, pulling out my hair brush. After grooming myself, I headed down stairs and over to the kitchen. Equinos would be leading against the counter, sipping his coffee.

"Well, someone's finally up." He chuckled. I let out a huff, going through the cabinets.
"Did I sleep in?" I asked as I pulled out some bread, strawberry jam, and peanut butter. I began to make myself some breakfast.
"No, not by that much. I was only teasing." He playful punched my arm once I was done. I cracked him a small smile as I ate my toast. "Hey, there is a guildie I want you to meet today."
"Oh? Why might that be? Last time I checked, I don't have friends for a reason." I eyed him, munching on my toast.
"Because you're a grump! Trust me, you'll like him. He's being placed in Tanaris, along with me. I think it would be good if you make a little bit of space between you and dad for the short time being." Equinos said, trying to hide his concerned look behind his coffee.

"Why is Jarico placing you and this mystery man in Tanaris? What business is there stretched out all the way over to Kalimdor?" I tilted my head to the side. Normally, The Silent Hand kept within Ironforge all the way to Stranglethorn. I have never really heard of a job beyond those reaches.
"He says that there is an item locked deep within some old tomb. It is of the most importance to him at the moment. We have three more spots open." He raised his eyebrows up and down, causing me to chuckle at the stupid look. "Alright alright, I'll talk to this mystery guy!" I exclaimed as finished my toast. Equinos smiled and ruffled up my hair. I did my best to swat him away. I failed. "Eh! I just did my hair! Don't screw it up so early in the day!"

After that, I headed up to my room, putting on something causal. I put on some black pants, leaving the white sleeveless T-shirt on, as it went well with the pants. I then slipped on some flats, before heading down the stairs. Equinos had changed into a red plaid shirt, along with some dark blue pants. I smiled at my twin. We looked like genderbends of ourselves. He was 7'7 ft as I was only 7' ft. He had long purple hair, which he left down. It went down his back, and was brushed out of his face. He had been growing a small beard on his pinky face. Yes, we had pink skin and purple hair. My mother suited the pink skin much more than us, as she had forest green hair to counter it. I had not gained any tattoos yet, as I had not gone through the special ceremony to get them. I was not considered a full adult in Night Elf socity.

We headed out the door, the clouds from yesterday disappeared. The sun shone brightly. The Trade District was full of adventurers and town folks alike. I noticed that the Draenei had started to take a liking to our capital. Even more so with the cathedral. From what I've heard, these Draenei are very religious. Many of priests and paladins fill their ranks, worshipping the Light and this Naruu thing -- Whatever the Fel that is.

I saw a few of the space goats walk by, eyeing their unusual anatomy. Equinos seemed to be viewing them constantly -- The female ones that is. I rolled my eyes, walking along side him. "What? A man is allowed to look!"
"Oh Elune, Equinos you're making it sound like we are a married couple." I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking away from him. This made him laugh. We made our way to the bridge that connected the Trade District to Old Town. We were heading over to the Pig and Whistle. After a few minutes of walking, we reached the tavern. It was pretty quiet, considering the time of day. A Night Elf man would be standing at the bar.

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