Free Our Brother! : Chapter Twenty-Four

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I waited behind the Head Quarters, my back up against the wall as I leaned up against it with crossed arms. I gripped the cloth attached to my tunic, pulling it up so it would cover my face; everything below my eyes. The cloth was thin, which I liked. It meant I could conceal my identity and breathe during combat at the same time.

The sun began to hide behind the mountains once more, shadows cloaking Redridge as creatures began to emerge from the woods. Dusk is when the animals came out to play, and I was one of them.

A gentle summer breeze brushed passed me, causing me to inhale deeply. The season was going to end soon. A pity I had missed it. Fall was rolling in and quick. The night air was chilled slightly, signifying autumn was to be here in a matter of weeks, and following in it's tracks would be a remorseless winter.

My eyes gazed up at the stars among the skies, my white orbs matching their twinkling manner. We were Kaldorei, children of the stars. I could easily recall the many stories my father would tell me during late nights in Westfall. Each collection of sparkling beauty had a tale connected to them. Some were past heroes that the Goddess and placed among the sky for remembrance. Some have been imprisoned up there. Whatever the tale may be, they captured my fascination. The heavens above and the Great Beyond. They say when a Night Elf dies, they become a star;joining Elune in the night.

I now knew such a fate would never fall upon me. Elune had never watched over my family or I like everyone else. Many spoke of the wondrous connection they had with the Moon Goddess. Yet I could never feel such a joy, nor has my brother. I was a woman without faith, and sometimes it would sting. That disconnection made me even more distant from those of my race. Between being raised among humans and having no connection to their sacred Goddess, I was alienated. Caught between the world of the Kaldorei and the humans. I suppose, this is how Jarico feels most of the time with his Half-High Elven blood. Our similarities have been slightly frightening me as of the late, given the mistrust that has poisoned my mind.

My thoughts would be interrupted by the sound of feet crunching through grass. I had my hands on my tantos, readying myself if it was one of The Silent Hand members who were not apart of this operative, or perhaps The Ever Gold Sacrament here to raid the HQ if Kalder proved to be traitorous. To somewhat of my relief, it was just the Demon Huntress.

Towering as always, she almost matched the high of the trees surrounding us. How she was stealthy eluted my explanation.

"Durefae." She simply said, sounding as if she was going to get into a coughing fit after ushering her words.

"Demon Huntress. I see you have arrived on time. The others will be here shortly."

"I do hope your little squadron is not too big. I do not need amateurs ruining this." She hissed, her tattered ears flicking. My long eyebrow twitched slightly at her remark.

"Those 'amateurs', as you call them, have faced an Old God spawn and survived. They are the elite members of The Silent Hand, and what are you? An outcast among your people?" I sharply said. She did not flinch, nor did her expression change much. She just offered a mild sneer before her facial features settled once more.

"I was already banished among the Kaldorei culture before I chose this path. This path is the one I told to avenge the family I lost." Her rattling voice began to heat up with anger. ". . .And to protect the family I have created." She adjusted the black strip of cloth that concealed what I was assuming her burnt out eye sockets, as burnt skin collected around the rim of it. "You and the younger generation know nothing of sacrifice. What we've had to leave behind. . .Who we had to leave." Her ears bent back, her tone softening. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Let us just free your brother and this will be done and over with." She bitterly spoke.

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