Conspire : Chapter Twenty-Two

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Suddenly, I was pulled out of my slumber, hearing something scrape up against the wooden floors of my inn room. I went to reach for my tanos, but quickly remembered I was without them. The only weapon I had was the dagger I had stashed in my boot. I swiftly rolled over, going to reach over the bed side for it. My wrist was caught by a meaty and clawed hand, preventing me from obtaining my blade.
"I rather not have to do this, Durefae." A raspy voice sounded. Even before my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I had identified this harsh musing to be coming from The Demon Huntress.

"What are you doing here?" I asked groggily, tugging my wrist out of her grip. She stepped back, looming over the foot of my bed. Her stubs had begun growing a bit more since our last visit. My only guess was that she was beginning to grow wings from all of the Fel taint.
"Where is your brother?" She asked, completely ignoring my inquiry. I glared at her, before deciding to humour her.

"He is being held at The Headquarters of The Silent Hand. What are you planning on doing. . .?" I perked up one of my violet brows.

"Setting him free." My eyes widened.

"You're what?" I asked, needing clarification on what she had just said.

"I am going to release Equinos from his bindings. Though did I not warn you of the tomb and what dwellers there?" She sneered at me. I could feel her gaze locked on me behind the strip of cloth that concealed her sight. "Are you going to aid me. . .?" Her voice seemed to rattle in her lungs. I slowly nodded. She let out a huff. "Good. Meet me in the cloak of night behind the building. You will lead me inside."

"The Silent Hand will have my ass if they catch me!" I protested.

"The Silent Hand will kill your twin if we do not hurry. Jarico has lost his patience and wants the artifact for himself! There is not a second to waste! We free him tonight."

"What about his corruption? His insanity?" Yes, the last time Equinos was free he hospitalized Kilgon and I. He was still clearly mad if they were locking up him. He would lash out at us the moment he was released.

"Inform the paladin. He will aid you." She strode to the window, her stubs spreading out as if she had wings. "Now rest. I will see you on the morrow." With that, she jumped out of the window, landing on the wooden-lined streets below. The Demon Huntress disappeared into the shadows. . .

I felt the soft and fluffy pillow gently mould my cheek. I cuddled up to it a bit, the pillow nice and chilled. I pried open one of my eyes, my head throbbing. Thankfully, I did not have a hangover, but I did drink quite a bit. Perhaps, The Demon Huntress was an illusion caused by all of the drinking? No, I was certain she was real. I had seen her multiple times and all of the things she has predicted have come true.

I grumbled, peering around the room. I saw my clothes thrown on the floor, my eyes darting to the door. It was still locked.
'Thank Elune. . .!' I thought to myself, relaxing. I rolled onto my back, before sitting up in my bed. I hugged my bare knees, pondering on the events last night. Kalder was a good man and was perhaps one of the few people I interacted with outside of The Silent Hand who could defend himself. We could possibly be friends and he wouldn't have to die. I shook my head.
'Not until I free Equinos.' I told myself. Though my trust towards Jarico was waning after my discussion with the Bronze Dragon in disguise along with the conversation with Shuffletruff. Not to mention the suggestion from The Demon Huntress. The Silent Hand may have tried to get rid of us, but I could not see Jarico doing something of such caliber to me. He was like a father to me - my mentor. After all these years, he could not simply throw me away. My mind failed to wrap around the idea of Jarico attempting to dispose of me.

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