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"Then more you hide your feelings, the more they show.
The more you deny your feeling, the more they grow."


The grip of his hand on her wrist clearly showed how irritated he was by the indifferent attitude she displayed in front of him. In no time, they reached the empty studio room on the second floor of Jimin's coffee shop. She flinched a little when he opened the door by kicking it and gestured for her to sit on the couch. He himself nonchalantly sat on the table placed in front of the couch, resting his elbows on his thighs and staring straight into her eyes. She tried to avert her gaze, but his current irritated expression somehow captivated her attention.

Why does he look so fine today? she thought, gulping as Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair countless times today.

Yoongi: I thought we're agree to cut off the war between us.

Soomin: So?

Yoongi: So why are you like this?

Soomin: Like what?

Yoongi: (sigh) Please give me a favor to tell me what did I do wrong this time.

Soomin: Nothing

Yoongi: Don't "Nothing" me and don't roll you eyes like that.

Soomin: Don't "Don't" me and put that pointed finger away from me before I break it

Yoongi: (ruffled his hair frustratedly) Look, I'm tired and-

Soomin: Tired? Of me? Then why don't you just leave and cuddle with your girlfriend instead of bothering me like this?


Yoongi: (frowned) What was that mean?

Soomin: (crossed her hands and laid back). Nothing.

Are you jealous Soomin?

Soomin: Wha- jealous?! No!

Yoongi: (frowned) Jealous?

Find someone better

Soomin: The hell?!

Park Jimin is better

Soomin: Oh shut up Yoongi!! I don't even-

Yoongi: Yah! What is wrong with you?!

Geez, don't you
recognize my voice?

Yoongi: Listen, if you don't-

Soomin: Taehyung Oppa?

Hi there pumpkin

Yoongi: -wanna talk then-

Soomin: (gasped) how on earth you could talk to me like this???

Yoongi: -fine but-

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