"Hello Luigi."

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Thanks to ShimmerintheShadows and Karo1703  for helping me with the title of this story! Enjoy the story!!

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I sit up and look around my apartment, I get up and grab my clothes I take them to the bathroom and hop in the shower.

I get out of the shower and change into my uniform, a knee length pink skirt with some black tights underneath, a shirt that fits just right and a jacket that is a size bigger and hides my curves. I blow-dry my long blonde hair and then braid it, I roll my braid into a bun and secure it with a bobby pin, I take my wig and put it on.

I put on my glasses and fix my wig. I look into the mirror and smile, a brown haired girl with brown glasses stands in my place.

I grab my phone and see 2 messages from my dad.

Remember that you have a photoshoot later at 12.

Love you honey have fun at school.

I smile and text my dad back saying I would be there in time, and that he didn't have worry. I take a pair of jeans, some running shoes and a gray hoodie an shove them in my backpack.

I walk to school, my apartment is about 2 streets away from the school so walking to school is always the best option.

I arrive to school and walk towards my locker, I take out the books necessary for my next class, out of the corner of my eyes I see Natsu and Lisanna arguing. "Natsu I already told you I can't."

"Lis come on, did I do something wrong?" Lisanna just sighs and looks at him. "Natsu you didn't do anything I just don't feel the same way anymore I'm sorry..." she walks away and Natsu just stands there as he sees her leaving.
Rumors say that they broke up 2 days ago. Of course I wouldn't know, i have more important things to do.

During 3rd period Erza Scarlet walks in and hands the teacher a note. "Lucy Heart early dismissal." I stand up and take my stuff with me, i take the note and exit the classroom i go leave my books in my locker and take my backpack out, I go into the bathroom and quickly get changed being careful so my wig won't come off.

Once I'm changed i go outside and i see Mavis waiting for me outside. "You ready?" She asks and we get into her black impala 1967. She starts the car and once we are off campus i take the wig off. I untie my braid and let my hair fall down, it now looks wavy because it was in the braid. "How was school?" She asks. "It was okay. No one noticed me so that's good." She nods and smiles. "So the director of the movie called me..." she says. I look towards her almost immediately. "Really?" There was a movie that I auditioned for, it was based on my favorite book series, The immortals. "He said you were perfect that you would be perfect for the part." I smile and squeal in excitement. "Mavis you are literally the best manager ever!" I tell her and she just smiles. "I didn't do anything Lucy, it was all you." I smile as the car comes to a stop. We park the car and head inside, sadly there were a small group of paparazzi inside in the lobby. A few pictures were taken of me as i made my way to where we needed to be.
Once I'm in the changing room i put on my swimsuit and go to the pool to take some pictures.

"Good job Lucy!" We finished the photoshoot and i head to my dressing room.

On my way out of the office i hear someone call out for me. "There she is the Stellar Princess. How was your day honey?" I turn around to see my father smiling. "It was good how's mom doing?"
He smiles and sighs, "She's still a bit sad about you moving out." He says.
"I moved out a 4 weeks ago... i have been going over every weekend..." i say in a bit of disbelief. "She was the one that said it would be good to move out to a place closer to school... mom is being over dramatic again..." he sighs and smiles
"Oh you know how she is... you're coming over on Saturday right?"
"Yeah. Don't worry dad."

The next morning i wake up and get ready, the same routine and I head to school.
As i make my way through the halls to go to lunch i accidentally hear a conversation.
"I'm going to get myself a fake girlfriend." I hear Natsu say.
"That is literally the most stupid thing that has and will ever come out of your mouth." Gray said.
"She needs to be pretty but not as pretty as Lisanna." Said Natsu.
"You have to be fucking kidding me..."
"What girl isn't bitchy but is still pretty..." Natsu said and they both thought about it. Just as i was leaving so i would avoid trouble i heard Gray say, "Lucy Heart!"
"The nerd?"
"You have to admit she isn't bad looking, she kinda has a nice body." Gray points out.
"She's also really quiet and doesn't seem like she would be mean or anything..." Natsu says in consideration.
They have got to be kidding me....
I run towards the lunch room to get in line so i can go to lunch.
I grab my lunch and make my way outside to the garden, where it's only me and the beautiful flowers and plants.
I sit there and eat my lunch while re reading the immoral series when a voice makes me stop.
"Hey Luigi." This has to be a joke....

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