How Is This Now About Me? (Stark x reader)

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"I think she wants the Gallagher!" Tony raised his hand to cue her to toss it up, but you hurried forward into his way, ripping the melon from her hands and easily crushing it between your own, its contents splattering and spilling around you.

"Party's over!" you barked loudly. "Get out!"

Tony's eyes were wide and alight with both shock and amazement, but his insides were churning with confusion; his brain was too murky and jumbled to put it all together. He had known you for years; you had been one of his closest friends, maybe even closer than Rhodey, and he had no idea at all that you could do something like that. He felt like he was staring at someone that he had never known. "(Y/N), what the did you...holy fuck."

"Are we done?" you hissed, avoiding his obvious need to know more. "Tony?"

"(Y/N), what the hell was that?" he insisted, taking a step forward. "I can't believe you hid this from me! We tell each other everything!"

"Obviously we don't!" you argued in return, your voice escalating as his was. "Whatever is going on with you is a mystery to me! So please, let's drop this double-standard and tell me what's happening!"

"I told you not to worry about it! Why can't you just back off?"

"Because I'm your friend! Or I sure as hell thought I was!"

The rise in emotion and decibel must have been playing with your mind, because when he took a longer stride forward with his hand raised to make a further point, you misconstrued it as aggressive and reached out to grab it in response, your grip halting him in place. But not only did your grip stop him, it began to crush the metal of his gauntlet around his hand, making him gasp in surprise and wince in the start of pain. When you realized what you were doing, you let go immediately and took steps back; you could have turned to run, but the last step back before you could have tried bumped you right into Rhodey, now also clad in one of the suits.

"(Y/N)," he said softly, "please, don't move."

"James, stay out of this."

"You know I can't."

"We don't have to make this into a thing, okay?" you pleaded with him. "I never wanted either of you to find out. I never use that side of myself, I swear. You know me, I'm not a threat."

"I know that, honey," Rhodey assured you softly, "but I'm not standing here because of you. I'm gonna need you to get behind me."

Your gaze shot quickly to Tony, who was still standing steady, but now his undamaged hand was raised at the two of you; he was preparing himself to fight his two best friends, and in the haze of alcohol he saw nothing more than a roadblock that he was determined to break down.

"Tony, this doesn't have to end in a fight," you tried, taking a step forward only to have Rhodes stop you again, the unforgiving metal of his own gauntlet digging into your skin as he held you. "Let's just talk about this."

"Let's talk about you getting out of my suit, pal," he answered, acting as if you weren't even there, "Iron Man doesn't need a side-kick." The familiar whine of the charging repulsor was loud enough to pierce your hearing, the sound echoing off every wall around you. The helmet of Tony's suit snapped shut, but just before it covered his eyes, you thought that you had maybe caught a hint of regret in them, but there was an unmistakable glare filled with betrayal that you would never forget.

You didn't have time to worry about that now, however, feeling Rhodey's arm wrap around you to toss you aside, just in time for Tony's attack that sent them both flying through the wall and out of sight. You definitely weren't equipped for this kind of fight, but even if you were, the large, bleeding gash in your arm stopped you; it must have come from one of the broken bottles on the floor as you landed. Moving to the bar and finding purest bottle of alcohol that you could find, you gasped while pouring it over the wound to clean it, cursing Tony under your breath with the deafening sounds of the fight breaking into your thoughts. In this moment, in your mind you didn't care if you ever saw that man again, but you knew that your heart wouldn't let anything involving Stark go too long unnoticed.

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