Hisoka X Alliance X Spider Hunting

813 23 22

Mika's POV

We were inside the car Uvogin. Kurapika had his Nen chains around him as the man glared at him. Kurapika sat in the passenger seat, Basho was driving, Melody was on the right side of Uvogin, Squala on the left while I saw in the middle on the floor. It wasn't comfortable.

"Come on!" Basho hisses at the car, it's not like it could hear him.

"We've caught a member of the Phantom Troupe." Kurapika says to Dazollene. "Yes, I'm positive. Of course I know the place. We'll be there soon."

"What?" I ask Uvogin, he kept staring at me. "Is there something on my face?"

Uvogin mutters something under his breath. "So Machi had a brat."

I narrow my eyes and look forward. I wasn't in the mood to get into a fight.

"Hey, did I hear you right? That you 'caught me'? Because if you think these chains are going to hold me you're wrong. Kill me now, or you'll regret it later."

"Be quiet." Kurapika says and the man smirks.

"What are you stupid? This is a one-in-a-lifetime chance. So drop the attitude or get it over with." Kurapika narrows his eyes for a fraction of a second and widens them. The chains around Uvogin's body tighten as his body shakes in pain. "I said be quiet."

Malicious purple Nen was coming from his hand. Uvogin says nothing but his body betrays his pain.

"Don't kill him yet. We gotta interrogate him first remember?"

"Kurapika." I say and he loosens his chain and Uvogin passes out.

"Hey! Is he gonna be alright?!" Basho yells.

"He'll be fine." Kurapika says firmly.

"You sure about that-"

"Someone's following us." Melody says.

"Seriously?!" Squala yells in fear.

"Look! their catching up fast." She yells.

I use Gyo and notice a needle on the Spider's calf and a Nen thread. I rip it out of his and hold it up.

"A needle and thread?" I ask myself and give it to Kurapika to throw out the window. The black car was still following them getting closer and closer until a man jumped on the car. It was a man with black hair, dark eyes and pale skin. He wore dark glasses, a black long sleeved shirt and light pants. A cloak made out of Nen appeared and the Spiders' jumped out of the car.

Hiro appears and flies out the window. I felt a pull on my Nen as the distance widened. There was a spike in my Hatsu for a second and Hiro was back with a card in his hand.

"Fun Fun Cloth: Owl uses his Nen to shrink whatever ends up in the cloth, whether it be an object or a living being, without any physical harm. The size of the fabric can change according to his will. It also seems to be very durable, as it was used to successfully envelop a car in motion. Owl can then bring the object back to its original size by uncovering it."

"What happened they just disappeared?" Squala asked.

"One of the shadow beast's appeared and used his Nen ability to shrink the car but it didn't work." I explain and look at Basho. "I suggest you move quickly. They won't last long."

"Right." Basho says and pales.

It took us less than 30 minutes to reach the hotel. I was told to stay outside as Dazollene tortures Uvogin.

"Hey Gon?" I say and a loud voice answers the phone.

"MIKA IS THAT YOU?!" Gon yells happily and I wince at the volume.

"Don't yell." I hiss. "I'm still working. What's going on? Is Killua there?"

"Yes! Leorio's here to! He only knows Ten and he helped by the phone. I guess Killua sent you my number!"

"Hey is Mika on the phone?" Killua asked.

"Yeah." There was silence and I received another call. It was Killua.

"Hello?" I ask.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" He yells and I cringe.

"DON'T YELL AT ME!" I yell back.

"I CAN YELL AT YOU AS MUCH AS I WANT TO!" He screamed back and the screaming continued until I was forced to not yell.

"SHUT UP!" Basho and Dazollene yells.

"Fine.." I say. "Look at what you did Killua."

"Wow!" Gon says. "Mika never yells! You're amazing Killua!"

I face palm and mentally glare at them. I take a deep breath and watch as my companions exit, Kurapika had left a few minutes before, he told me he was going to meet with Hisoka. "Bye."



I roll my eyes and end the call. I sigh. 'I've been hanging out with them for too long...'

"We're allowed to leave." They tell me and we head back to the building.

"What's wrong?" They ask me.

"Nothing..." I say staring blankly at the full moon. "It's a hunch that's all."

Their skin pales in color. We get into the car and 5 minutes passed and we received a  message.

"Number 11 has escaped." They glance over at me.

"My hunches are never wrong."

(Since Hisoka never officially appeared in the episode with Mika I used his second theme)

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