Coin Toss X Reunion X Change of Clothes

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Mika's POV

We stared at the Butlers and Leorio began to speak. "It looks like they were expecting us." He says.

"Yeah, but I have a feeling, we're not going to get a warm reception." Kurapika replied and I gave a nod in agreement.

"We've never been welcomed here since we talked to one of the Butlers before we went into the gate." I told the group. We looked back at the Butlers and the Butler in the middle closed his eyes slightly staring at Canary.

"Canary." He said and I noticed he was the same Butler as before. Just as cold and strict as I remembered.

"Yes?" Canary said looking sorry and guilty.

"You're dismissed." He told her and she closed her eyes and said

"Yes." Sadly and walked away from us until we couldn't see her.

"We aren't going to have to fight them, are we?" Gon asked.

"We wouldn't be able to win even if we gave our lives." I told him and the group. "All we can do is wait for them."

"Yes, but I'm not completely sure. There are five of them and I guess they all outrank Zebro and Canary." Leorio said.

"In any case we need to be very careful." Kurapika told all of us and we started moving forward until they would stop us. But something unexpected happened. All five of them bowed their heads and we looked at them shocked and stopped moving to stare at them.

"We apologize for our previous discourtesy. Since then the lady of the house as told us to accept you all as honorable guests, and to extend you every possible courtesy." He was the same man who was yelling at us on the phone. I had a bad idea and if my hunch is correct. We may or may not get out of the Butler's Quarters alive. "Please, come inside and let us attend to your injuries."

Gon stepped forward and started talking. "Sure, but can you first tell us where Killua is?" He asked kindly. The man rose his head and looked at Gon. "I- no we-" He looked towards me and I looked at the man and he stared at us. "We want to see him as soon as possible."

"I suppose that you're Gon." He then looked over to me "And you must be Mika, am I correct?"

Gon let out a "Huh?" and the man continued to speak to us. "The lady of the house has told me everything. So, then lady and gentleman's, follow me."

We walked inside and they started to patch up the wounds that Gon and I received. Mine from Killua's mother and Gon from Canary. As we waited Gon, Leorio, Kurapika and I sat down. On the table there was fruits, a drink, accessories and a knife. Leorio was looking at the whole room in wonder. "Come on, Butler's actually live here?!" He yelled surprised. It was a very nice spot.

"Indeed we do, please make yourself at home." One of the Butlers said kindly.

"Yeah, we'd love to but we didn't come all this way to kick back and relax, you know." Leorio explained.

"The Head Butler, Gotoh, is making an inquiry on your behalf as we speak. It will only be a few moments." He tells us. I looked over to Canary since she was here and she looked very nervous and anxious. She was worried about something. The door opened and out walked Gotoh. He closed the door behind him and began walking.

"Well then, I trust that you're feeling somewhat better now, Gon, Mika." Gotoh asks us and I just stare as Gon starts talking.

"Yeah, much better." Gon says. "Thanks."

Gotoh sits down and continues talking. "Glad to hear it. Allow me to introduce myself I'm Gotoh and I'm the Head Butler here. If you need anything during your stay please do not hesitate to ask." Gotoh says. Why is he being so nice to us? I know Killua's mother hates us, so why is acting this way?

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