"Arizona, you're awake! I thought you'd be asleep still." Dan said.

Yeah, I would, but I wanted to see you, "Muh." I mumbled.

"You still tired?"

"Yeah, get me some cereal, I'll be right back." I told him, he nodded and proceeded to make me a bowl, too. I went into Phil's room and grabbed my phone. I checked the messages and saw Sadie had texted me.

'When you wake up, call me, I really need to talk to you.' She had typed. What do I say? I'll call her later. I have to think of something to say.

I kept my phone with me and walked back to the kitchen. Dan had finished my bowl and he had just put a spoon in the bowl. He was eating his, leaning down towards the bar, and scrolling through his phone. My phone buzzed in the back of my pocket and as I walked towards the bar, I pulled it out and read the notification.

Twitter - @danisnotonfire followed you

I smiled as I stood next to Dan. I grabbed my bowl and started eating.

"How'd you find me on twitter?" I asked him after I had taken a few bites of my cereal.

"There aren't that many Arizona Grey's, it was easy. I went through your profile. You tweeted me a lot, stalker." He said to me, laughing at the end of his sentence, "I saw the one about the lady in that funny costume, I remember seeing that somewhere before! It was hilarious!" We both laughed.

"Yes! Oh here, look at this one." I said opening up safari on my iPhone and typing in 'danisnotonfire' in the search bar. Once it loaded, I scrolled down and showed him a picture of a black woman with a red mohawk, doing a duckface. Dan burst out laughing and had to lay his hands on the counter to keep himself from falling on the floor. I was laughing at Dan laughing and I had hold myself up, too. In the midst of me and Dan laughing, I heard some rustling and footsteps. I turned around to see Phil slowly walking to his room with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. I stopped laughing so loud and went to little giggles.

I felt bad. I had stolen his bed, his room, his bathroom, and now his sleep.

Dan must've saw my expression because he put his hand on my upper back.

"It's okay, he's done this to me before. Sometimes I come home and there's some of our friends on the couch, my bed, on the floor. So don't feel so bad." He assured me.

"He seems like a dick in real life." I said.

"No, he's not a dick, he's just super tired. You got to meet him at the wrong moment." Dan told me, taking his hand off my back and putting the dishes in the sink. We went over and sat on the couch and Dan flipped through the tv channels. He finally picked a channel and we sat there in silence.

Dan finally spoke up and asked, "Arizona, are you bored? You wanna talk? Or we could go somewhere, if you want."

"I'm fine, actually. We can keep watching the telly." I say to him. I honestly wasn't ready to do anything because I was still decided on how to explain my situation to Sadie. She was going to freak out, not that she hasn't already because of Dan answering my phone, but she would demand details and question me. She'll probably cut her trip short and come home, and I sure don't want to ruin her holiday.

"Honest, I hate when people seem bored and I'm supposed to entertain you, I mean, you really didn't have a choice to go anywhere else or you would've been sleeping on benches drenched in rain. People would've thought you were a hobo. So, I feel personally responsible for your happiness." Dan explained to me. I decided to accept it and just let him entertain me.

"Okay, but I need to do something really quick." I said walking towards Phil's room, but Dan stopped me.

"Oh, Sadie called you, but you were still sleeping so I answered. I think you should call her sometime today." I nodded because I already knew. I unlocked my phone and stepped out, hitting voice call on Sadie's contact.

After 4 rings she answered.

"Ari-fucking-zona. What the fucking hell? I'm literally so fucking confused right now. You better fucking tell me why Dan fucking Howell, your fucking idol, answered your fucking phone." I was taken back by her vulgar language. Though her vocabulary consisted of using mainly the words fuck, shit, and cunt, it shocked me that she used her favorite word so many times. She must think this is a joke and is literally pissed the fuck off right now.

"Okay. I'll tell you what happened, but you have to shut the hell up, okay?" I told her sternly into the phone. The line was silent so I began talking. I told her everything. Tripping and falling, Dan helping me, him giving me his sweatshirt. I told her about loosing the flat key and how I was staying at Dan's. I left out the incident with my mum, because that would worry her even more. After I was done talking, the line was still silent.

"Hello?" I said, unsure if she was still on the line.

"Sadie..?" I said confusedly.

"Now's your chance Arizona." Sadie said in a whisper.

"What?" I asked.

"Now you can bang him like a screen door in a storm, its perfeecctt." Sadie said, dragging out the 'fect' in the word, still in a whisper, like she was devising a plan.

"What!? No! Sadie, god, you have such a dirty mind!" I said, but my mind wandered to the dream.

Sadie was laughing hard on the other end, and after she calmed down a bit, she began talking again.

"Well, this is super cool. I think I should hang up now so you and Dan can get it on." She said laughing. I mentally facepalmed myself because she would make these comments the rest of my life. I told her 'bye' and locked my phone back and walking back inside. Dan was standing near the door when I walked back in. Was he listening to my conversation, like I did his last night? My cheeks flushed and I walked into Phil's room quietly and grabbed my purse. Once I was back to the door, Dan looked up at me and smiled.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, but where?" I said back to him.

"It's a secret." Dan said smiling even bigger.

bad luck // dan howellWhere stories live. Discover now