Well Then

690 21 0

(not mine!!)

You ran through an alley, looking back at the two guys chasing you. Beads of sweat trickled down your forehead as they began to close the small gap separating you from harm.

After the two guys tried to corner you and take advantage of you, you mustered all the strength you possibly could and punched them in the noses. They flinched back and grabbed their noses, cursing at the top of their lungs as you quietly ran away. Now, however, they were gaining speed and furious.

You ran out of the alley and looked left and right, trying to figure out where to go. There were a few people out, but they didn't bother looking twice at you. Finally, you decided to run across the street and over to the car in front of you.

Pounding on the windows you screamed, "let me in. Please, God, let me in."

A click resonated throughout the empty street as you jumped in the stranger's car.

"There!" You heard one of the guys call out.

You turned to the green haired, tattooed stranger. "Drive, just drive!"

With a loud laugh and the rev of an engine, the stranger took off at an alarming speed. He grinned mischievously as he winked. "Where to, baby?"

"Anywhere." You told him, still trying to catch your breath.

"Anywhere," He repeated, pausing as if to see how he liked that. "Anywhere, Anywhere, Anywhere."

"Right, well, uh, I'm Y/N." You laughed awkwardly.

"The Joker." He replied, taking his hands off of the wheel and waving with one while shaking your hand with the other.

"You know, right here is fine." You forced a smile.

"Oh but, darling," The Joker stared at you with the intensity of a thousand burning buildings. "We have things to do and no time to waste."

honestly idk what to say. Peace, Love, and a Bucket of Blood.



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