your first time + Saeran

Start from the beginning

• if you try and dominate him, he turns all kinds of flustered, his heart beat sky rockets and he's speechless on what to do now, he's usually the one to do the dominating, so it's such a surprise when you try the take the lead (he secretly loves it)

• will definitely tease you as he eats you out, bringing you to the verge of your orgasm and letting out a dark chuckle as he stops his ministrations and makes you beg for your climax to come w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶ ̶b̶a̶s̶t̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶

• his glasses nearly slip off a couple times when you're having sex, but he refuses to take them off, he wants to be able to see you come undone under his body, to watch your face contort with pleasure (lol what a nerd)

• totally the type of guy to impersonate your moans in a girlish manner afterwards - and surely gets smothered with a pillow afterwards


• loved loved foreplay, he got some long fingers to match his slender figure and he used those to his advantage to being you the most pleasure that he possibly could, he just knew how to curl them to make you mewl and squirm

• honestly he almost did cum from just hearing you moan, nothing gets him off more than hewing your noises of enjoyment, bonus points when the lewd noises of him thrusting into your core was the primary noise in the room

• the sex was gentle, V is a sweet man, it's no surprise that it factors in the bedroom, his movements are tailored to you, he's completely selfless, putting your own orgasm before his

• he's a little bit more louder than he admits, he can't stop any moans or grunts leaving his lips, he's simply just too caught up in the act to try and suppress himself, he also doesn't see the point in holding back like why???

• will definitely let one or two tears slip from his eyes when you made love, it's just so overwhelming that he actually got to have a beautiful angel to call his, as well as the fact that he was actually having sex with the person that he truly loved

• looks really really relaxed when he orgasms, something about his face just gives away how away he feels b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶,̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶p̶u̶l̶l̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶a̶k̶

• king of aftercare. Want a massage? He's more than willing. Want a bath? He's sprinting to the taps (after a few bumps into the walls). Want a cuddle? He got you.

Saeran Choi

• despite what many people say, I think that Saeran would be nervous during his first time, he's never been intimate with a girl before, he's scared that he may hurt you, after all, he's endured a hard life (poor bby ;-;)

• he would let you take the lead during your first time. The first time he got a blowjob, his hands with knotted in your hair and his hips were bucking like nothing you'd ever seen, he's vEry sensitive

• if he gave oral, on his first time, he may be a little bit clumsy, even messy, he's not sure how to use his tongue appropriately. But, if you guide his movements, his tongue will be hitting all the right places, that's what will make him more bold and confident

• it's only when you're having sex does his dirtier aide start to unveil itself. He's a master at dirty talk, like, wash his mouth with soap damn - "Look how well my cock slide inside of your wet pussy, so wet and lewd, you just want more and more don't you?"

• he's a panter, his breaths come out in exasperated gasps as he thrusting inside of you, his breathing sometimes hitches when something feels really good, but he's not obnoxiously loud either

• he cums a lot okay??? he came on your stomach the first time, and it was driPPING down your thighs, and done even get me started on his face when he cums it's just so... tense, his whole body tenses up, eyes squeezed shut, but it works s̶l̶i̶p̶s̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶"̶I̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶"̶

worships your body afterwards, telling you what part is his favourite, before he falls asleep like a log

dt - Riaaaaa_ + a couple more

super late thank you for 50K+ I can't believe how quickly this book has grown, thank you so much for your support.

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