"What are you talking about?"

"The infamous Frank Leigh's son, Blake is his name right? My P.I. has been digging up dirt on you nonstop and finally we found a picture of you kissing another man. I must say, looks like gold digger will be a perfect headline for the tabloids, don't you think?"

I hiss, "You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh but I will. The board might not think it's important, but you're my ticket to owning this company." He sounds devious.

"What have I ever done to you that you feel the need to treat me so?" I gasp.

Denzel walks over the the door, standing inches away from me, "You haven't forgotten that you chose a pathetic pop star over me have you? You could have been my ride or die partner! We could have turned this company around so people would know who we are!" He spat, "but then you had to go and fall in love with the stupid boy! I should have known!'

"Is this what this is about? That I didn't go out with you again?"

Denzel smashes his fist next to me on the wall, "No one rejects me, no one!"

I turn the knob at my back and back out the door, running away.

"Come back you insolent little bitch!" He yells.

Fabio steps in front of him, blocking him off as I run to the elevator with Daniel.

"Take me to Mr. Leigh right now," I demand as we walk out of the building. They nod without question and escort me to the car.

"Mr. Leigh!" I shout as I stumble in to his house, "Mr. Leigh!"

"He's right through there miss," the housemaid points to the living room.

I needed his help, I couldn't allow my relationship to to suffer with Justin. I haven't felt this type of happiness in so long, I love him. Denzel will not take that away from me!

"You've come as if you're sent!" I hear his voice to my side.

Frank Leigh looks relieved and as if tears escaped his eyes seconds before I walked in. I've never seen him cry before, he looks so vulnerable.

"What is it, are you alright Mr. Leigh?" I ask with worry, forgetting my own intentions of coming here.

"You must come with me at once child, come!" he starts dragging me out the door.

"What happened? Did I do something wrong?" I ask frantically.

"No, no!" he kisses the sides of my cheek, laughing as tears flow down his cheeks, "Come, where is Fabio and Daniel? They must take you to the airport at once, my private jet is waiting, come we must fly to New York!"

I can't understand his actions, I've never seen him so distraught, "Mr. Leigh there is something I need to tell you, a favor I need to ask."

He plants a kiss on my forehead, "You can ask me anything! Later, later! Let us go now, I can't wait any longer," he says, turning around, "Nico where are you? Come!" he shouts to his own body guard.

I find myself looking out the window of Mr. Leigh's jet, seeing the city down front. I take out my phone and message Justin.

me: Hey babe, gotta cancel plans for tonight, I'm flying to NY. sumthing is up with mr leigh

My phone vibrates seconds later

Justin: Is everything ok?

Justin: how did today go?

me: i resigned, will tell u everything later :)

"Mr. Leigh, where are we going?" I ask as we climb in to the limousine, already driving from the airport.

"Wait and see! It's going to be worth you coming, trust me!" he chirps.

We stop outside a busy street in New York as a skyscraper towers up the sky, making it hard to see the daylight.

In the elevator Mr. Leigh presses a password in to a pad next to the floor numbers and the elevator beeps as a lady over the intercom announces we'll be going to floor 42 A.

42 A? That's an off number for a floor.

"Wait here," Mr. Leigh says as he rushes down the hallway and disappears in to a room.

He was acting very strange and he surely didn't invite his family and friends to go on business trips with him. I wonder what this is about? I really need to talk to him before Denzel does something crazy.

I stand around, looking at the strange paintings on the walls. It looked as if I was in some type of secret service office or something. A James Bond movie even. After a while, I sit down and Fabio and Daniel follows my lead. I pick up a magazine on Political Climates and start reading it.

A throat clears and I look up to see Mr. Leigh waiting in the hallway for me. I walk to him, frowning. He leads me to wooden doors and places his hand on my shoulder, "We'll keep on searching for them, I give you my word."

I frown, "What?"

"I won't give up, I promise," he says, opening the door, "Go now, someone wants to see you."

I stumble in to the room as the door shuts behind me. A large study area decorates the room and my heart freezes when I see a familiar figure standing at the fireplace.

He turns around in a suit, dressed just like his father, his sleek black hair combed to perfection and piercing blue eyes staring at me with tears. Blake Leigh is alive.

My feet doesn't want to move and my lips refuse to speak.

He hastes over towards me, placing my head in his hands, "I thought I would never see you again," he whispers, giving me a kiss.

My eyes grow wide and I stare at him in disbelief. I feel my legs grow weary and my whole body starts to shake before I fall to the ground.

"Blake," I whisper as I drift in to unconsciousness.

- - -

Welp welp welp....

Whats gonna happen ;)

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