Chapter 20

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"Nico, I love you, but you walk way too fast." Will complained as Nico trudged ahead of him. Suddenly, the black haired boy stopped and jumped up.
"Will!" He grinned widely, his eyes wide in excitement.
"A road!!"
"A r- a road... a road.. HALLELUJAH a road!!" The words registered in Wills mind and he raced up to Nico and grabbed his hand. A car whizzed by, and Wills hair flew into his face. Nico stuck his hand out confidently and shot a thumbs up at the drivers who passed. "What are you doing?" Will murmured into his ear as a big car slowed to a stop.
"Hitchhiking." Nico shrugged and the window rolled down.
"You two boys need a ride?" The first thing that Will noticed was the man in the drivers seat.  He was lanky and young, maybe a little older than them, yet he drove a truck.  He had white blonde hair and wore a purple shirt.  Then Will noticed the many stuffed animals tied to the grate of the car, front and back.  He gulped. 
"Yeah." Nico let his hair fall into his face and lifted his jaw, making him look slightly intimidating.
"Well, hop in.  Where to?"  He popped the car door open and they climbed in.  It smelled like cheeseburgers.  Okay. 
"Airport? Nearest one."  Nico huffed, taking control as Will had never done this before and was slightly nervous.  He tried not to let it show on his face as he gripped Nico's hand behind the seat.  The driver ignored them for a while as he drove, then Will saw the sign that said: Airport- 8.5 mi. I95 E.
He smiled widely and squeezed Nico's hand. Nico squeezed back. The driver noticed the two of them holding hands and raised an eyebrow.
"Close friends? Or cousins? Maybe distant relatives or adopted brothers?" He asked, amused.
"We're boyfriends, actually." Nico replied, stone cold. His voice sent chills down Wills spine, and he loved him, so he couldn't imagine what effect it had on the driver.  Whatever effect it had wore off fast, because the boys were on the road again in no time, the last things they heard were swears and yelling before the truck drove away and got lost in the dust.
"Great. Why does this always happen to us?!" Nico groaned. He glared at the sky. Will felt the same way, but decided it wouldn't help to have two despairing teenagers on the street, so he put a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry. The universe is just trying to get us to spend more time together." Nico smiled.

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