Chapter 11

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Exams loomed ahead of Nico and Will, and Nico was especially worried. He was pumped for Christmas, because no school, but he had to pass a ton of classes first. He groaned. Then his phone buzzed. It was Hazel, saying that she was coming for a visit. He jumped up happily. He hadn't seen her in ages!
"Will!" He called to his best friend. They had spent more and more time with each other, and Nico couldn't imagine what college would have been without him now.
"Yeah??" He heard the response from another room.
"Hazel wants to visit for Christmas! Is that ok?"
"Yeah, great!" Will stumbled into the room, tugging a shirt over his head. "Oi, Sunshine, you spend too much time studying. Take a small break, will ya? We can go out to eat. I know a place right off campus." He suggested. Nico knew Will was right.
"Oh... fine. But just because I'm hungry." Will helped Nico up and they went out to his car. It was a dark red. Nico loved that color. They jumped into the car and Will drove the two of them across campus. They rolled down the windows and shouted at people as they passed by, cracking up as they whooshed by. The wind pushed Will's curls back and Nico shielded his face from the sun. They finally arrived, just as Will had said, at a nice looking restaurant right off campus. He smiled. Will got out of the car and opened the door for him, bowing as Nico took his hand to help him out. Nico smirked. He wrapped his fingers around Will's and ran into the restaurant, Will laughing as he ran behind him.

"How many?" A waitress walked up to them.

"Just us two." Nico answered.

"On a date?" She pointed to their hands, still intertwined. Will just laughed. He was very casual.

"Nope, just hanging out." He took his hand out and leaned against Nico's shoulder. She smiled and nodded, picking up two menus and leading the boys to a table by a window. They talked for a while before ordering a plate of spaghetti to share. The food was placed on the table, and Nico handed Will his fork.
"Questo è un bel cambiamento. Grazie per avermi qui." Nico said quietly.
"English, please?" Will tilted his head.
"Huh? That was English."
"No it wasn't." Will laughed.  "I didn't know you spoke another language. What language was that?"
"Italian?" Nico mumbled.
"So that's the accent I hear!" Will exclaimed.
"Accent? I don't have an accent!"
"Say something."
"Something." Nico crossed his arms.
"Oh, come on."
"Fine.  Will, I've never heard my accent in my life."
"You say my name like, 'weel'. It's cute."  Will laughed.
"Will. Oh, shoot, I do have an accent!" Nico covered his mouth.
"I like it."
"Shut up, Solace."
"Whatever floats your boat."
"We should head home."
"Yeah." Nico fished through his wallet, handed Will a 50 dollar bill to pay, (even though Will protested,) and left.  He started the car and sat in the driver's seat.  Will walked casually out of the restaurant.  As soon as Will came out, Nico cheerfully gave him a two fingered salute and drove away, leaving Will gaping in the parking lot.  He took the twists and turns back to the flat and parked the car.  Snow had started softly falling thorough the crisp air.  It was refreshing.  Nico went inside and made a cup of hot chocolate.  He sat on the couch and put his feet up. The next thing he knew, he was sleeping.
An hour later,  Nico's head snapped up to the sound of the door opening.  He glanced over to see Will, snowflakes covering his sandy locks, huffing at the door.  He looked both frozen and furious. 
"Nico... Di Angelo," he whispered, breathing heavily.  "You... are sO... dEAD!" Nico shot up and ran, only making out the back door before Will tackled him and they rolled down the hill, making soft prints in the fresh snow.  He felt a shock of icy coldness as Will stuffed a handful of snow down the back of his shirt, and laughing, started tickling him.  Nico writhed under his grasp. 
"Will.. stop... eek!  Stop! Stop, stop!  Ok, I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I won't do it again!  Eek!" Will unmatched his fingers and laughed as he rolled off him, and they both lay happily gasping for breath in the cool winter air. 

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