Chapter 2

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Nico took the popcorn out of the microwave and brought it to the couch where Hazel was waiting. They sat on the couch, the blankets and pillows forming a fort around them, Nico's computer resting on Hazel's lap. The 18 year old boy slid in and tilted the bowl to her. She popped a piece into her mouth and started the movie. They were spending the night together as their last night at home. Nico was going off to college the next day, and he didn't want to one bit. He dreaded living in a flat, with a possible roommate. Ugh. The very idea of a roommate made him shiver with disgust. He was very much more of a loner, and that was the way he liked it. Hazel snuggled up to him halfway through the movie and he shifted so his arm was around her, running his fingers through her curls. The two exchanged sentences until they almost drifted off.
"Hazel?" He asked as the credits rolled on the screen and she closed her eyes.
"I love you." Hazel was touched. She looked up with a soft smile and she kissed her brother's cheek. He almost never said this.
"Oh, Nico, I love you too."
"I don't want to move out."
"Don't worry, Neeks. It'll be fine. I'll even come and visit sometimes." He nodded and held her closer, and fell asleep to her rhythmic breathing.

Will woke up ecstatic. He couldn't wait to leave his broken home and move into college. He could hear his stepmom screaming at his dad to sober up, and then the smash of a bottle on the kitchen floor. Will didn't even wonder why his parents were arguing at 4 in the morning. He just slipped into a navy blue shirt and jeans, not wanting to draw attention to himself as he picked his bags up and stepped down the stairs quietly. His wavy hair flopped over his eye, and he left it that way. Will's stepmom paused to kiss his forehead, though he was taller than her, and his dad stopped to curse him for abandoning the family. He missed how things used to be before his mom died. He loved his stepmom, of course, but his real mom was able to control his dads drinking problems. He sighed and said a final goodbye before tucking his suitcases into his car and stepping into the drivers seat. He blew his blonde hair out of his eyes and kept driving, focusing on the school 200 miles away.


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