Chapter 19

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"Oh.. did I.. say.?" Nico stuttered.
"Yep." Will coughed, flashing a weak smile.
"And you.."
"Yep." Nico's face flushed for a moment before he helped Will to his feet.
"So.. what should we do now?"
"I'm not sure. We could try to get to in touch with someone... shoot,"
"I think I left my phone on the plane."
"Mine must've fallen into the water."
"I guess we're stranded, then."
"I guess so."  Will awkwardly shoved his hands into his soaking pockets, then shot them out and wrapped his arms around him, shivering.  He sneezed.  "Oh, boy."
"I think I'm sick." Will tried to reach up to his forehead, but ended up dropping to his knees, shaking from the cold.  Nico rushed to his side.  They didn't say anything more, everything that could have been said already hung in the air.  Nico was terrified that those three words would ruin his relationship with his best friend for good, and didn't try to test his luck.  He watched the sun set over the water and groaned.  They were staying there for the night, then.  He got to work making a fire.  It didn't work at first, but somehow he managed to strike a small flame that grew into a good sized blaze.  He positioned Will in front of it to warm him up, rubbing his back in comforting circles.  Then Will leaned on him.  He could feel him shivering.  Wills lips were blue and his fingers were numb.  He wanted to talk to Nico, but was afraid of what he might say.  He had been through too much to take another rejection.  Wills hair was matted down onto his forehead,  but it still managed to pop out in curls.  He wore it the way he used to, back when he wasn't so confident.  It swooped down over one eye and rolled up at the end.  He closed his eyes and felt Nico kiss his forehead.  He was never so grateful to have someone as then.  Will wrapped his arms around his savior and smiled into his shoulder. 
"Hey Angel?" His words were muffled.
"Yeah, Sunshine?"
"Do you mean it?" He asked quietly.
"What do you think?" Nico's words weren't harsh or sarcastic.  They were soft and calming, reassuring him.  His cool hands tilted Wills face up and brushed his hair out of his eye.  His face was so close to Wills that he could see every droplet of blue shining in his eyes.  He didn't even think.  He just leaned in, he could feel Will doing the same.
"Achoo!" Will sneezed quietly. 
"Will!" Nico laughed, rubbing his hands over Wills arms to try and warm him up. 
"I think I have a cold."  Will smiled sheepishly. 
"Get some rest, Sunshine."  Nico leaned back into the ground and Will lay next to him.  He turned so the blonde boy couldn't see the smile on his face, and the hot blush that rose when Wills arms wrapped around his waist.  He sighed in content.  Will had stopped shivering.  The fire warmed them both up, and they were almost dry.  The stars twinkled above them, and for once, it didn't matter what happened next. 

They were too tired to care anyway.

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