Chapter 17

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Nico felt strange. He flung his door open, smiling and walking into the kitchen. It had been about three months, but his legs had healed and he was finally out of the chair. He was still wobbly, though. He set a grin on his face. Will walked in, tired but happy.
"Hey!" Nico exclaimed, giving his flat mate a hug.
"Hi. What's got you so hyped up?" Will laughed as he hugged Nico back. "Didn't I just see you yesterday?"
"Yep. I just figured I've never told you how great you are. You're, like, the best flat mate I could get. Thanks." Nico beamed, ignoring the slight heat creeping up his cheeks.
"Oh! Thanks Nico, you're pretty amazing yourself." Will smiled widely. "One more thing... I think you'll like me even more for this." He pulled out a slip of paper from his pocket. Nico examined it. A plane ticket? To.. Orlando?
"You're leaving? Why would I like you more for that?" Nico's face scrunched up.
"Because.." Will flipped his fingers and another ticket came out from behind. "You're going, too!" Nico's eyes widened and he grinned.
"Really? Wow, thanks, Will!" He gave Will another tight hug. He almost never touched anyone, but Will was different. Will was his friend- his best friend. Will smiled.
"Anytime, Death boy. Plus, I figured it would get you to walk more if you had something to walk to." He plucked a bagel from Nico's hand and took a bite. Nico put another one in the toaster. The week seemed to drag on and on, knowing that he was leaving put Nico in a restless mood. The night before he left, he leaned his suitcase against the bed and stared at his wall. Will was still casually sitting on the hill with him. Will and his curly hair that always flopped into his face. His freckles. His clear blue eyes. His laugh, his smile, his shrug, his need to help, his voice, his problems.
Oh shoot, Nico thought. I think I'm falling for my flat mate. He flushed red and turned away, forcing himself to sleep.
He had night terrors that night.
Bianca was there. She was mocking him.
"You idiot. This boy? Really? He could never like you." Then she dissolved and Nico's parents were there. His father sneered at him, belt in hand. Nico winced, then let out a cry as the belt lashed across his back. Again and again and again. He was kicked, bruised and bleeding. His mother did nothing to help. Then Hazel was there. She reached out to comfort him, but at his touch she stumbled back, choking and coughing. Blood spilled from her lips. She breathed heavily until it stopped and her eyes glazed over. He sank to his knees, sobbing. A hand rested on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Nico. It'll be alright. It'll be fine. Your okay." A soothing voice spoke. Will. Nico turned to him, but he, too, stumbled back, a dagger sticking out of his chest. "How.. could-you-" he stuttered, the blood pouring from his chest. No. Nico looked down at his hands, blood stained.
"I get it. I hurt everything I get close to. I get it. I get it! I get it!" He shouted over and over, his tears seemingly having no limit.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's just a dream, okay? You're okay. You're okay. Wake up, it's just a dream." Nico shot up, his throat sore from screaming. He could feel where his tears traced down his face. Will had his arms around him, sitting up in his bed, and Nico sobbed into his chest.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Will rubbed soothing circles into his back with his palm. Nico shook his head, but spoke anyway.
"When- when I was little, my dad had issues. He used to b-" Nico shuddered and instead lifted his shirt. He was fit, had a nice six pack, but was still skinny and pale. There were white scars tracing all across his chest and back. He knew them each by heart- location and cause. He sighed, wiping a tear away. "But then he left. And it stopped. Sorry. I'm such a wimp."

Will stared at the pale boy's torso. He reached out and traced one, expecting him to flinch. Nico didn't. Instead, he just sighed and closed his eyes. Will pulled Nico close, apologizing a hundred times. "Don't you dare say that." He whispered. "You've been through so much, you're so strong. You're the most amazing person I've ever met." He didn't even think about what he was saying, but when he did say it, he blushed furiously and hoped Nico wasn't looking. Will realized he had never felt this way before. He had never gotten butterflies when someone walked into the room, or had a constant need to joke and make someone happy. He had never prepped himself to face someone in the morning, or resisted the urge to hold someone.
Oh shoot, Will thought. I think I'm falling for my flat mate.
He tried to ignore it and rocked back and forth, putting Nico back to sleep. After all, they had a plane to catch in the morning.

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