Chapter 12

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"Don't you see?"

"No! I do not see, Solace!"

"But it's a Christmas party!"

"I don't care! I'm not going with you!"

"It's just a walk away!"

"You're not convincing me."

"Fine." Will huffed, pulling a jacket on and stuffing his phone in his pocket.  The party was at the popular restaurant across the street, the one that had huge parties on Friday and Saturday nights.  Will almost never went, except when he was invited, and especially when the invite said to bring a plus one.  But since his plus one was having an incredibly hard day and didn't want to go, he would go alone.  Will walked across the street and entered the restaurant to blasting Christmas music.  People were screaming and dancing everywhere, there was a bar, tables, and flashing lights.  Will wandered around for a bit before bumping into a few friends. 

"Hey, man."

"Hey, Perce.  How's it going?"

"Good! Where's Nico?"

"Didn't want to come- not in the best mood."  Percy nodded understandingly.

"Oh hey, I wanted you to meet a guy I met in class- this is Mitch.  He's majoring in Biology."

A guy near Percy turned to look at him, but he didn't look away. 

"Um.. hi?" Will waved.

"Oh.  Hello." He smirked back. "I'm Mitch." Mitch had brown, messy hair, cropped short.  He had green eyes and a mouth that looked like it was always pulled back in a continuous smirk.  All in all, not bad, but not Wills type.   He and Will got a drink, then went to dance after talking a while.  Will must admit, he was having fun.  He laughed with his new friend, jumping and dancing to the bells of Christmas.  Then Mitch pulled him aside.  Will blew waves from his face.  Mitch pushed Will against a wall, cornering him.  Then he let go, and Will stumbled forwards.


"You know, Will," Mitch started.  "I just met you.  But you said a lot of things that I understand, and I think that if you let me explain some things you would understand, we could be good for each other."  He examined his fingernails.  "I like you, Will.  You have something in you, and it lures me in." He was backing Will back to the wall now, looking him straight in the eyes.  His hand started to trail up Wills shoulder.  Wills fingers fumbled as he slipped his phone out and texted a quick message- nico

Nico stared at his screen.  It had been hours since Will left, and now he had gotten this message saying nothing but nico  ? Something was wrong.  He didn't hesitate to grab a coat, his phone, and pull his shoes on before running out the door. 

"Just.. let me get to know you." Both his hands were on Wills shoulders, and he leaned in. 

"Sorry, um, but I'm taken." Will stuttered, not thinking.  He just said the first thing that came to mind.  Mitch frowned. 

"By whom?"

"By me." A familiar voice made Wills head snap up.  All of a sudden Nico was beside him, taking Mitch's hands off Will and pushing him away.  "Now get lost." He snarled.  Will was eternally grateful for this boy.  When Mitch didn't move, Nico placed a small kiss on Wills cheek and pulled him away.  Will, shocked, followed, leaving Mitch green with envy, grumbling as he walked away.
Back at home, Will sat with Nico on the couch, a tub of ice cream between them, the tv playing a Christmas movie marathon.  Will was still surprised that Nico had gone that far to save him from Mitch.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?"

"Come so fast and save me like that."

"You don't get it?  You're my best friend, Will.  I'd never leave you hanging- even if it meant going to that party."  He shrugged casually. 

"Thank you."  Nico splattered some ice cream onto Wills nose.

"Anytime, Sunshine."

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