Chapter 1

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Nico tried to flatten his rapidly curling hair in the heat. Perks of living in California, he guessed. The walk to the beach was short, and he knew the way even though he almost never went. His sister Hazel walked beside him, her hands in the pockets of her bathing suit cover up, and she smiled softly.

Will wiped beads of sweat off his forehead. He had reduced his clothing to a tank top and shorts, but even so it was hot, which was rare for him. Perks of living in California, he guessed. The sand beneath his flip flops shifted with every step and the waves looked cool and inviting. He looked up and saw someone.

Nico brushed his hair out of his eyes again, grumbling.
"Cheer up, Neeks. It looks cute wavy." Hazel joked and pulled his hand away from his hair.
"Easy for you to say." He teased back. Hazel had rich, chocolate skin and tight curls of gold. Her eyes glinted cheerfully, also gold. Nico, on the other hand, was the opposite. He wasn't that tall, had sleek, black hair that fell in his eyes, and pale skin. His eyes were brown. Nico hated the color of his eyes. Ugh. He leaned against a palm tree, his black t shirt and jeans making him sweat.
"You go on, Hazel." He smiled and ruffled her hair.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'll be here." He smiled again, something he rarely did, and she nodded and walked out to the sand, spreading her towel out and lying down. There were a few people there, but it wasn't too crowded.  A boy around his age was selling animals weaved from grass.  It was actually pretty cool.

Will handed out another weaved fish.  He absentmindedly took a dollar in return and put it in his pocket.  The boy was still leaning against the tree, and Will wondered how he wasn't dying of heat exhaustion with his black clothes. Whatever, he thought. Though he was intrigued, he didn't care enough to go and talk to him. So instead he simply watched as the boy slumped against the palm.  Will was usually pretty friendly, but this boy didn't seem the type to have, or even want friends.  Will shrugged it off, probably just another emo grunge kid.   He went up to a pretty girl with golden brown curls lying on the beach and weaved her a horse.  She gasped in delight.
"Thank you! How did you know I loved horses?"  He shrugged and smiled.
"Lucky guess? I'm Will, what's your name?"
"Hazel. You live around here?"
"Just a walk away. You?"
"Yeah, same. So you're going to school around here, or..?" Summer was almost over, and Will cringed at the thought of college starting in two days.
"Yeah, I'm going to Berkeley soon. It's pretty far away from here."
"Oh, yeah! My brother's going there! Maybe you'll see him." She smiled.
"I hope so, if he's anything  like you." He joked, and winked, and she laughed.
"I better be going, Will. It was really nice meeting you, and thanks for the horse! Maybe I'll see you around." She smiled and gave him a firm handshake before dusting herself off and turning away, her wild hair blowing behind her.


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