Chapter 7

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Nico met a few people, upon Wills insistence. It went something like this.
"Nico, you really need to get out more."
"No, I don't. I'm fine here."
"Yes, you do. It's unhealthy not to be around people- you need a social atmosphere."
"Well with you around I'm sure I'll never be alone."
"Haha, very funny. I'm serious, Nico.  There's a party tonight at the club, you should go."
"No way!"
"Yeah, you'll have fun."
"I hate you."
And that was how Nico was dragged to the club and found "friends".  Jason, Leo, Percy, Annabeth, and Piper weren't so bad, he supposed, but a little too outgoing for his taste.  They were all older than him, but that didn't change anything.  Will brought a few others home too, but mostly for studying.  Nico was wandering around campus when he thought he might get a new book.  He turned around and shoved his hands in his pockets before making his way to the bookstore.  It had completely slipped his mind that Will worked there, so when a familiar voice behind him asked how he could help, Nico nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Jeez, Will! Don't scare me like that!" Will simply laughed.
"Sorry, Sunshine. Just doing my job." Nico huffed and shoved Will's shoulder before turning around and examining the books.
"You don't already have enough books?"
"There can never be enough books." Nico stated blankly without turning away from the shelf. 
"If you say so." Will smiled and walked away with his hands in his pockets, leaving Nico to himself.  He ran his fingers across the bindings, breathing in the scent of the new pages.  He finally slipped a few out of the shelf and carried them to the front counter.  Will didn't say much as he scanned them and packed them into a bag for Nico.  He just smiled and waved a small goodbye as he left.  Nico could understand that.  They may understand each other, but they were not close enough for close conversations and friendly joking.  Sometimes he wished that he had a friend like that. 

Will watched Nico leave the bookstore.  He knew that the two of them had only just met, but he was excited that there was someone there, and he wasn't living with a complete stranger.  Just the thought that he had a potential friend that might actually understand him made him smile. 

"Yo, Will." Cecil, a boy who worked with him, nudged him.  "Can you take register 3?"

"Yeah. Sure.  I can take who's next!" Will moved down the aisle.  Annabeth walked up to him and placed a stack of books on the counter.  Will laughed and started scanning them.

"Hey, Annabeth."

"Hi, Will.  How're you doing?"

"Good.  I finally got through to my flat mate." I joked and she grinned.

"At last. Well it's good to know that you're not alone in that place.  See you 'round?"

"Yep, see ya!" I called out the customary 'Have a good day', and she left.  

Nico was sprawled out on the couch when the door opened and he could tell by the footsteps that he had grown so used to that Will was home.  Nico turned so his face was buried in the couch cushions and he heard Will stifle a laugh as he entered the room. 

"What happened to you? I literally saw you a few hours ago!"

"School. I have so much work to do. Sometimes I think I picked the wrong profession and I should just live out my days as a street artist."  Will chuckled.

"I didn't know you were good at street art."

"I'm not. I suck at it."

"What profession did you pick, anyway?" 

"Anatomical or forensic pathology." He stated casually, then looked at Will. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!"

"You were definitely going to."

"Ok, maybe I was, but hey! Nothing bad, that's pretty cool!"  Nico looked skeptically at Will and dragged his backpack over to his feet before pulling out a huge set of textbooks.  He opened one and set it next to him, pulling out a binder and taking notes on the passage.  Will joined him on the couch with his own work.  They ended up ordering a pizza and trying to study with the TV on.  

"We really should work harder." Will pointed out.

"Yeah. We should." Nico passed another slice to Will as he turned up the volume, and they laughed.

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