"Hey hey hey! look who it is! My two favorite girls!!!" Reed says as he grabs me and tries to go in for a kiss.

I slapped him so hard across the face my hand hurt from it.

"What thw hell was that for?!?!?!" I could tell he was angry now...and that scared me

He tried to kiss me again, so I slapped him even harder across the face this time.

"Why would you think I would want to kiss you if we broke up!!!!" not the best choice of words considering he grabbed both of my wrists so hard I lost feeling in both of my hands. he starred at with his ice cold blue eyes. I felt my face drain of all its color...I was terrified now.

Jonathan's POV:

"So kaner where do you want to go for lunch before the game?" It was our pregame ritual to go out to eat lunch together before every home game.

"I have always wanted to try that new steak house next to that little diner place."

We started making our way down the street to the steak house. As we were passing the little diner I looked in the window and put my arm out in front ok patrick to stop him.

"Look!" I said

Sitting in the diner we two very pretty girls that looked about our age. We stopped and both said in unison "let eat here instead!"

. As we walk in we notice two other guys had started talking to them so the girls didnt notice us walk in. We just took a seat at a table in the far corner so we would watch what was going on with out them noticing us. "I call the cute one with the big sweater and the straight hair. Shes my type of girl!" kaner said with a smile.

"Pat you just broke up with your girl and your are already looking for another!" I said laughing

"yes! why arent you looking you broke up with your girlfriend too! I want this one to be good this time though...I want it to last"

I turn around to see what the other girl looks like...and just as I turn around I see the one guy go in for I kiss, my heart sank, but then I saw her do something i never thought she would do....she slapped him!!! I notice right after she does that he gives her a stare that even fav me the chills.

"Should we go over there and help them?" I ask

Kaner nods his head and we quickly get up and start walking over there. The girl had slapped the one guy again, this time even harder, and started screaming at him to just leave her alone. As we get closer to the table I notice tickets to tonight's game. I nudge kane. He nudges me back to show that he saw them too.

"Im sorry, but are they bothering you by any chance?" I ask the girls as we got to the table

"No where fine thank you." Say the one that kane called.

"It doesn't look like you're fine..."

"Look buddy she said were fine now back off!" Said the bigger of the two. I looked down and saw that he had a death grip on the women's arm who had slapped him. I look up at her face and our eyes met. I saw pure fear and terror in her eyes.

"Look" I said "why dont you just leave these two girls alone and go find someone else to annoy"

"Just for saying that big guy im going to do this" The one holding the girls arm said. He let go of the arm picked up the tickets and the jersey (which I didn't notice was there) he ripped the tickets up tissue them in the garbage can, and ran out the door with his buddy to their car and sped off to only god knows where.

"You didnt have to do that you know" I hear a soft little voice coming from the girl who had just been attacked. I looked at her and she was really pale and still freaked out from what happened.

"What were we supposed to do let that jackass rip your head off" kaner snapped. I gave him the 'calm down bro' look. He mouthed the word sorry.

"May I ask how he knows you?" I finally asked after a brief period of silence.

She took a minute to answer, then she looked out the window and said "his name is Reed and I used to date him...he was fine in the beginning but then he got drafted for the chicago wolves and thought he was all that. He just got really controlling and mean to me. He forced me to do stuff I didnt want to do."

"Well hes a real jerk so I hope you guys never have to see him again" I added

"Kanes" girl said thank you for getting them to leave and went back to talking with her friend who still looked like she saw a ghost. Kane and I went back to our seats and ordered our food to eat.

Kanes POV:

"Hey taser I still feel bad about what happened with their tickets and that girls jersey that was taken" I told Johnny after I finish a bite of my bacon burger

"I know what should we do about it?"

"We can give them tickets to the game tonight and locker room passes to make up for what happened" I reached into my pocket and pulled out two tickets and put them on the table. "We should probably pay their bill too. its the least we can do"

Taser gave a thumbs up and nodded his head as he was eating his burger. After we had finished eating I went up to the counter and told the waitress that we would like to pay the bill for the table with the two young ladies at it. "And when you tell them can you give these to them also" I asked as I handed her the two hawks tickets. The waitress just smiled and nodded at she was adding up the totals of both bills.

"Ready Jonathan?" I called as he was still over at the table on his phone. As we left the diner I was telling toews about how the one girl was really cute and that I really wanted to get to know her better.

Chloe's POV:

"Im paying this bill if you like it or not!" I just finished saying that just as the waitress walked over and told us our bill was paid for and that she was told to give us these.

I looked down to see two season tickets to blackhawk games attached to the tickets was a napkin with writing on it

   "Hey we felt sorry about what happened earlier so we decided to make it up to you with these tickets and paying your bill...hope you still want to come to the game tonight"

The napkin didnt have any name on it so I had no idea who wrote or gave us the tickets

"Who do you think did this?" Megan asked as she was looking at the tickets to see what seats they were "omg these are glass seats right behind the blackhawks bench too! And we can get into the locker room with them also!"

"Omg these must have cost a fortune!!!...I bet you it was the two guys that tried to help us today with Reed and Blake."

I tried to remember what they looked like but both Megan and I were to shaken up by Reed and Blake to get a good look at their faces. we got up and left the diner thinking about who these mystery men where...

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