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"What now?" he muttered before answering "Really," he said to the person on the other side "Of course, see you tonight" then he hung up.

"You have business tonight," Loby asked.

"No, we have a party to crash to tonight"

"Whose?" Daniel asked.

"Your girlfriend's" Sam smirked.

Daniel raised an eyebrow "If you haven't noticed, I don't have one"

"Really?" his smirk became more sarcastic, "I thought that you and Serena were dating"

He stared at him; his jaw stiffened "You thought wrong"

"Oops, sorry" Sam replied, "But why are you becoming angry, did she refuse you?"

Before anyone could stop Daniel, he grabbed Sam's shirt and slammed him into the wall

"Wow," Sam said looking into Daniel's eyes, "It looks like I hit a weak spot"

Daniel's glare became more and angrier "What do you want?"

Sam's became more serious now "I want you to remember your place, I want you to remember that YOU are a CRIMINAL and SHE is a DETECTIVE, I want you to remember that she won't hesitate even for a second to put you in jail"

Daniel left Sam and sat on one of the chairs resting his head in his hands and closing his eyes.

Sam came close to him, sat on his knees and put a hand on Daniel's shoulder.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he hissed, "She WILL hurt you"

Daniel shoved him aside and ran outside the house.

"I think that was the first time that I have seen you doing your role as a big brother," Loby said

He looked at him sideways and then went to his seat again, "I don't want him to suffer"

"Don't you think that you are being dramatic?" Loby said sitting in a seat next to him.

"I have suffered from love before and I don't want my brother to suffer from it too"

Loby was the only one who could talk to Sam in that way. The old bald man was the one who raised him and Daniel. Yeah, Sam was the boss of the gang but he doesn't do anything without discussing it with Loby first.

Sam looked at Arty, Charley, and Ron "prepare yourselves, we are going to Bingo at 8" he said and then went upstairs.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ron asked sitting next to Loby at the couch.

He rolled his eyes "What is it now, boy?"

"Why is Sam the boss of the gang and not you?"

Loby sighed, "Your curiosity will be the end of you"

He waited for a few seconds and then continued, "I never wanted to be in the gang"

The rest of the boys became curious now and sat on the floor in front of Loby to hear the story.

"Hitch was the one who began this gang" Loby continued "I was always busy because of my job, I travelled a lot and trusted the boys to take care of themselves' I never knew that they were in the gang except when Sam was 20, It was too late to get him out of that life then"

"How did you know?" Charlie asked curiously.

"I came home early one day and heard him talking with some of the former gang members, I tried to convince him to leave that style of life but I couldn't"

"Was Daniel also involved?" Ron asked.

"Not as deep as his brother but yeah he was involved"

"Why did you change your mind about the gang?" Arty asked.

"I had to, someone had to take care of the boys, I was already bored with my job so I have decided if you can't stop them, join them"

"What about their father?" Ron asked

"I think that's enough questions for today"

With that, the boys left and left Loby to his thoughts. He was very lucky that Ron didn't insist but even if he did, he would have never opened his mouth. That was a chapter of their lives that was closed for many years and it's better to be left like that.  

Author's Note: And Here Is The second Part Of Our Bargain I Hope That I Have Made It Up To You ;) ;)

So, What Do You Think About All The Secrets? I Don't Think That I Ever Created A Character Without Secrets. Please, Don't Kill Me. I Will Try To Unravel Them All Soon  

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