Day One: Shonster

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Day 1: Your Best Friend

Dear Shonie,

I never for one second thought that out of anyone in the world, you’d end up being my best friend. I mean out of everyone in the world, it had to be you. We’re polar opposites; you like blue, I like pink. You like savoury food, I like sweet things. You like Twilight, and I like Harry Potter. And yet despite all these things, the one thing that brought us together, more like forced, was the one thing that no one could really take away from us; school.

Don’t think I don’t remember it, it was grade nine and everyone had their groups made up; the group of stuck up hoes took an interest of you, no doubt because of the fact you had that air of being a man-eater about you, but I could see on your face was scrunched up in disgust whenever they started talking about things like makeup and boys. You never could be one of them.

So you sat there for all of six months, attending their parties, and smoking their pot, so to speak. Until that one fateful day when you finally cracked, guess it was a miracle really. Because I remember very clearly how you slapped the living daylights out of Miss Queenbee herself, while I stood laughing, strangely enough when you looked at me I thought you’d start cussing me out, and do the exact same thing to me as you did to her, but the weirder thing was, you started laughing too.

So I guess it was that exact lunchtime that you decided to sit with us; me, Pheenie, Gerry, our own little wolfpack. You seemed happier whenever we brought things up like music and art, simple things like that, and we came to realize you were quite the joker, more than that, I began to think you’d rival the great James and Ty themselves. How right was I?!

February 10, 2008 – Noah’s 15th Birthday

You showed up in that awful looking thing you call a bikini and I watched on as Ty literally spilt his juice on his shirt, and from that moment I knew this would be the best day ever. You strutted up and introduced yourself to everyone as my guest, hell even Noah didn’t know you were coming. But hey let’s skip the boring details. In short by the end of the day, you’d managed to get Ty’s pants down, his face covered in lipstick, and had also managed to get James to wear that ridiculous fairy costume. How? I don’t even know yet, but I knew it was legendary!

Our first skydive as a group, remember it? You literally just jumped out of that plane doing that stupid ‘I believe I can fly’ song, and we shook our heads laughing at your stupidity. I’ll never forget that day, it was the best! And it was all your idea, and since then it’s been a tradition in our wolfpack to go skydiving on anyone’s eighteenth, I guess we have only one left now, Lenny, and then it’s done. Guess we’ll have to start doing them on the twenty-first birthdays too huh?

And now here we are huh? Four years of some seriously solid friendship and still going. You’re the girl that brought out the spunk in me, or in your words ‘the fire’. You always were and are the most idiotic philosopher I’ve ever met! Always been confident and feisty, the exact replica of some bad ass chick from a movie. The rebel, the good girl, the hell girl, the angel; all in one brunette package. I must admit I owe almost everything in my life to you; my boyfriend, my personality, my everything. You’re like one of those secret superheroes, my very own Wonder Woman!

We do have our disagreements, like; what movie to watch, which team we go for, what book series is better, and whether or not I’ll ever fulfil my dream of having twins. You’re the pessimist, I’m the optimist; yin and yang. Most people say they find their soulmates in their spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend. But who’s to say your soulmate can’t be your sister, brother, and even friend? Because I’m sure as hell that you’re mine Shonie, in a totally non lesbian way! You get me when no one else does, you have that awesome power, which I call the God power, that means you know anything and everything about me, about my secrets, what I’m hiding; and I have to say sometimes it’s just plain creepy. It’s amazing how you haven’t shut me out of your life yet! What with the countless hook ups and dates that we set up, but hey it’s all good natured fun!

I never regret the day I practically forced you to sit with us, and I never regret your decision to slap the living daylights out of Queenbee. 

Love your bestest friend ever! 

Franny xoxo

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