Chapter - 40

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"Oh god! Granny, is that Anna Moses?" I asked with my heart beating fast.

"Exactly! How do you know?" She asked me back.

"Shit. She was my best friend, Granny. How did you kill her?"

"I hypnotized her with my holy powers and killed her."

"Where did you dump her body? In a garage?"

"Yeah. Under some old cars in a huge farm house."

"Dammit. But why did you do that? Just coz she resembled his daughter?"

"No, Elsa. It was for my girl's life that I did. He blackmailed me that he'd kill Ruby and I didn't really wanna remain quiet at the cost of my innocent girl's life. Yet he betrayed me and killed her! God will punish him for his deeds."

"Just shut up, you old hag. That girl had extreme liking towards my Mansion", Taylor said these words.

I got a chill in my spine when I saw him.
"Taylor? You... Here? I mean, how?" I asked.

He came close to me and lifted me in the air, holding my neck, trying to choke me.

"Granny! Please help! I'm having trouble breathing. Please do something, Granny", I kept screaming.

She had some holy powers and could easily hypnotise any human.

"Oh no! Elsa, my hypnotism isn't working on Taylor, which means he's possessed", she told in a frightened tone.

"You two, don't try to act smart. Just do as I say, or I'll kill this boy", Taylor told.

By his voice, I could understand that it was none other than Shantanu.

"Okay, okay. Tell me what am I supposed to do, Shantanu?" I asked him.

"Go, get Ronny."

I was shocked.
"Ronny? My dad?" I asked in fear.

"Yeah! Get me Ronny or I'll kill your brother", he told.

Granny gestured me to keep him engaged in my conversation.

"Why do you want my dad, Shantanu?" I asked him.

"Just do as I say, or all of you will die", he replied.

Meanwhile, Granny was chanting the holy verses.
She placed her right hand on Taylor's head and dropped a holy chain around his neck.

Immediately Taylor began howling like a dog and was behaving weird.

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