◆Chapter - 6◆

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Just when I was about to ask Jessy some more details regarding Anna, she fell asleep on my laps. I didn't wanna disturb her at all.

Oh god! She was damn adorable! That cute innocent face was enough for anyone to fall off! I would pay my life, just to watch her innocent, heart-throbbing smile.

I woke up by some sound and it was dad there! I felt very much relieved when I hugged dad.
It was 4am. I helped dad in getting his things in and then we spoke for sometime.
It was 4.30 and Jessy woke up. She came into the hall, hugged dad and began telling him, what all she had done yesterday.

I went into my room to have a short nap.
When I woke up, it was 1pm. I used to enjoy my Sundays in having longer sleeps!
I checked my phone to see if there were any calls or texts from Ruby or Anna. But there weren't any.

When I went into the hall, suddenly Anna's secret visit to our house the last night flashed my mind and I wanted to tell Ruby everything.

"Dad I'm going to Ruby's house" I told dad.

"Okay Elsa. Take Jessy if she wants to come with you"

But Jessy was so busy doing something with her doll's sweater and she didn't wanna get disturbed.

Mr. and Mrs. Russells welcomed me and offered me some soup with bread sticks.
After I had some, I went into Ruby's room. But she wasn't there.

"Ruby isn't at home, Elsa. Dint she tell you that she was going to Valentino's place?"

"Oh! May be she forgot. That's fine, I'll talk to her when she gets back", saying this, I went back home.

"Valentino's house ? Why had she to go there, this morning? I mean, the party was all done yesterday itself.
There's something wrong! Anna's secret visit and now, Ruby's visit to Valentino's place" I thought to myself.
I was worried and called Ruby twice, but no answer.

God! What's wrong with this girl? Why isn't she picking up my call?!

After an hour, I called Valentino.
"Hey! What were you doing?" I asked him.

"Nothing much. Just having my lunch. And you?"

"Me... Nothing much. Actually, Ruby wasn't answering her phone, so I called you"

"I didn't get you. Ruby wasn't answering and you called whom? Me?"

"Yeah! She's at your place, right?"

"No Elsa. She isn't with me. In fact, I saw her near the Old Yorkshire Street just about 20 mins back."

"Oh okay! Actually... May be she's just kidding with me. Anyways, talk to you later"

"Okay! Bye!"

Oh god!! What's happening???
After all, where did Ruby go?
She had even lied to her parents!

I was really worried for her.

Around 5pm, I got a text from Ruby, which said "Hi"

"What! Is it actually Ruby? Coz I had called her thrice and texted her some 20 messages. And her reply is hi? Just hi?" I asked myself.

"Fine" I told myself and called her again, but still no answer.

Immediately, I went to her house to check on her.
And there she was! Sleeping peacefully.

I got so irritated and went back home without talking to her, expecting she'd text me when she woke up.

Hey readers! Actually, this update was supposed to be done tomorrow. But I felt too happy looking at #33 and so posted this update for ya'll!

Love you all 😍😘
Happy reading 😊 and ya, DO DROP SOME STARS 😉

Thank you VighneshViggy for your votes !

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