Chapter - 31

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"Why do you think that idiotic Shantanu sent you here?" This time a different voice asked.

"Probably so that I find some clue, as to how I can free my friends' souls from his custody", I answered.

"And who do you think killed them?"

"I don't know! But their deaths were strange and a mystery for me."

"And you think you can do it all alone?"

"I have my friend, who'd help me. So I'm not alone, mind you! And yeah, stop your foolish trials to scare me coz they're actually funny. You can't frighten me", I told and left that room.

I was going upstairs.

"And you think he's gonna help you?" The same voice followed me.

I just sighed and ignored.

"Did you ever wonder why any of we spirits didn't harm him? If the bad ending for spirit game was the reason for Ruby's death, as she told, then he was present too. Isn't it?"

"Who's that he?"

"Meagre brains! Your friend, on whom ur expectations are on 100th floor."

"His words actually make sense", I thought to myself.

"What're you trying to tell me?" I asked as if I wasn't interested, though I actually was!

"Ask him. And he'll tell you."

I pretended as if I was on call with Valentino, though I really wasn't.
"Hey Valentino, I need your help. Will you....."

That voice cut me off  "Stop acting Miss. Smith. If he had to support you, why did he leave you alone the previous day?"

"That was probably coz of Anna's Granny. I mean, Shantanu was the only one there and he made things appear as if I played a prank on Valentino and that I lied to him about the girl in Anna's disguise and her Granny."

"Again meagre brains! Wasn't that old lady killed right in front of your friends? How did he believe Granny then?"

Suddenly Ruby's words flashed my mind "That evil spirit killed Anna's Granny by throwing on the sharp edges of the gate and he hung her to the portico."

"That was just a way to escape and leave you to death, Miss. Smith!" He told.

Oh god! Yeah, true. Whatever he's saying is true. Why isn't he harmed by Shantanu? Why only Anna and Ruby? How come he's still alive?
I had many questions, which only Valentino could answer.

"How can the dead be killed? Miss. Smith?" The same voice asked.

"What! Dead?" I was confused and decided to call up Valentino.

I called him up, but no answer.

"Damn it! Answer my call Valentino. Please!" I told.

"Yes, Elsa? You called me?" A familiar voice asked.

I knew it was Valentino's!
"Who're you now?" I asked.

"You yourself call me and when I come, you ask who am I?"

"Valentino ?!!!!! But how're you here and why can't I see you?"

"Not everything and everyone can be seen Elsa!" And an evil laugh.

"Valentino, please! I'm scared and confused. The only one for me to seek help was you !"

"Are you there? " I was in tears.

So guys, Good morning!
And that's all for the day...
I don't think I'll be able to give another update today..
So I made sure the update is long and informing you in advance.
Have a good day 😊

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