Chapter - 12

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"Elsa, I'm always with you. No matter what! Even death can never part us away!" I heard in Ruby's voice.

I immediately asked out, "Ruby? But you are dead, right? How can I hear your voice?"

At once, I could feel the cool breeze touching me. That gave me relief and I felt peaceful.

"Ruby, why did you commit suicide? Were you in love with someone?" I asked her.

"Elsa, it was a murder. Not a suicide! I was possessed."

"What?" I jumped at once. "What are you telling me Ruby? Possessed? But by whom? And..."

She cut me off, "Yes, I was possessed! By an evil spirit!"

"But why? Wait... Anna!!"       "Anna was killed too. Rather, murdered! By her possessed Granny!"

"I knew she'd die, Elsa!"

"She was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't follow few words of hers, as Granny was choking her to death and her voice was trembling."

"Elsa, all this crap had begun the night we went to Valentino's house for his birthday party."
She continued, "That night, after the party, I, Anna and Valentino had played the Spirit Game."

"What? Ruby, what!! Why did you do that?"

"I tried convincing them not to, but Anna was in complete favor of him. God knows what happened to her that night, but she was as if Valentino's mouth piece. Whatever he told, she agreed and convinced me!"

"Okay! What happened next?" I asked with curiosity.

"Anna did as Valentino said. He got her a large piece of white paper and she had written all the alphabet around the edges of that paper, in such a way, that A-N were arched along the top, and O-Z along the bottom."
She continued, "She had written 0-9 also towards the other edge of the paper. Words such as START, END, YES, NO, in the Centre. The paper on which this arrangement is done, is called an OUIJA BOARD, Elsa."

"Oh god Ruby! What happened then?" I asked.

"Valentino took us to his room and closed the door. I was scared, but Anna was excited, as she loved spending time with him! He then brought a candle and a silver coin. Soon, we 3 sat around that Ouija Board."

"And Then?"

"We all put our index fingers of right hand on the coin, placed on the Ouija Board. Valentino asked if there were any spirits and the coin moved to 'YES'."
"I asked as to what the name of that spirit was. The coin kept moving to various alphabet and Valentino was noting them down, as he was a left hander. And the name read ANNA!"

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Heyya Readers! Kindly ignore if there are any spelling mistakes.
I'm having my exams and typing these updates real fast.
Kindly co-operate.
Just a matter of few days, and I'll give you the best! 😊  

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