All you could do was back away slowly, never taking your eyes off the predator as your back slammed into a tree and the rough bark began digging into your spine. Two humongous paws slammed onto either side of your face, claws digging deep into the tree as it gave a groan in protest.

Subconsciously, you closed your eyes, bringing your hands up in a feeble attempt at warding off the inevitable death. Once again, nothing came, just the sounds of bugs chirping and your own heavy breathing in the humid night air.

"My breath doesn't smell that bad, does it?" A deep voice chuckled, the sound carrying through the quiet forest with thrumming intensity. Surprised, you opened your eyes, noticing that instead of huge paws by your face, there were human hands.


"Hellloooo" the voice cooed, dragging out the word in an attempt to get your attention. Slowly, you trailed up from the hand, scanning across muscular arms that clearly belonged to a man and led to a chest.

"My eyes are up here, darling" another chuckle echoed off the dense foliage, making your cheeks flush red. Your eyes quickly averted to look the stranger in the face, the same white eyes that belonged to the purple wolf stared back, but there was no wolf. Just a man with purple hair and a very defined jawline, if you weren't scared out of your wits at the moment you would have swooned.

"H-How?" You began, bringing a hand out hesitantly, pressing it against the man's chest to see if, in fact, this was real and you were not dead. A sharp hiss escaped the guy's mouth, his hands jerking from the tree as he jumped back slightly, a look of pain on his face.

That's when you saw it, a singe mark where you touched him that was slowly growing in size, causing the man to whimper.

"What the hell!!" He yelled, patting at the mark with his hand and nearly screeching once his hand also began sizzling, the reaction causing the faint smell of burnt flesh to emancipate. The confusion you felt before was becoming worse, none of this was making sense. However, before you could ask, a large hand grabbed your wrist tightly, yanking the appendage to investigate closely.

"Shit, is that ring made of silver" he asked urgently, biting his lip with a worried expression, his eyes never leaving the piece of metal on your finger. With a nod, you yanked the hand back, raising a brow in confusion.

"Why does it matter?" You asked, holding the hand against your chest protectively, in case the guy was going to try and jump you. Instead of getting a right hook to the face like you expected, you got a look of pure frustration as hands gripped purple hair, whimpers that sounded strangely dog like coming from his lips.

"I'm a werewolf! That shit can kill me!" He screamed, looking at the piece of jewelry with hatred as he growled deeply. Slowly, the dots began to connect, your mouth forming an 'o' shape as realization hit you like brick to the teeth.

Instead of pocketing the ring where it couldn't be of danger, you smirked, taking it off your finger and waving it in front of the werewolf. You weren't sure what you expected, but a pair of ears suddenly appearing on his head was definitely not it.

"Stop!" He growled, dark ears nestled in his purple hair flattening against his cranium, canines flashing in a warning. Loud laughter barked from your throat unintentionally, snorting as the man cocked his head to the side, ears falling sideways as he mimicked the look of a confused puppy.

"What?" He grumbled, eyes squinting in accusation. You simply shook your head, laughter still bubbling from within you as the hand holding your ring shoved it withing the confines of your hoodie pocket. Another hiss caused you to stop all together, looking at the guy as he keeled over in pain, the burn you caused still sizzling.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now