Chapter 15

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Pan's POV
"Pan!" I hear a voice call from behind me.

"What is it now Felix? If another one of the Lost Boys has fallen off the waterfall again I'm going to-"

"No it's not that. It's Hook - the pirate you so happily welcomed into our camp. He's been causing a lot of trouble - picking fights with the Lost Boys and last night he even managed to stab one of them in the neck with his hook. He's changed so much, and he really has become a danger to us all."

I smile at Felix.

"Good. He's ready."


Hook's POV
I stumbled into Milah's room, conscious of the fact that I wasn't thinking straight at all and probably shouldn't be here. She dumped the baby in my arms and then stood up, slowly rubbing her back.

"Hey Killian. I just can't get Liam to go to sleep - he keeps crying! He's a lot of trouble, you know, just like his Da-" she stopped short and then blushed a deep red colour. Even I looked up in surprise.

She meant me. I was meant to be Liam's dad.

"You don't still...?" I left the question hanging. Milah placed a hand to her forehead.

"I'm sorry Killian, but I can't help it. I still love you, and I keep trying to tell myself that it'll never happen because you love Emma, but still..."

I set baby Liam down gently on the bed and walk over to my ex-girlfriend.

Suddenly I find myself kissing her, and after hesitating for a moment, she kisses me back with equal passion.

"I've wanted to be with you for so long." I hear myself say.

"Me too, Killian. Me too."

Milah smiles up at me and then rests her head on my chest.

"I love you, Emma." I say, stroking her hair gently. Suddenly she pulls away from me.

"What did you say?" She asks, quietly. Then she realises what had happened, and her tone becomes angry and loud. "Killian you're drunk!!" She cries.

"And what's so wrong about that, love?" I question, my brain completely confused and my throbbing head trying to remember what I said to make her so angry.

"Get off me!" She cries in indignation and shoves me away from her. "You never really loved me! You only have room for Emma and I was a fool to think that you might still love me!" She screams. Liam starts to cry, and I don't know what to say.

All of a sudden I feel sober again. Milah's eyes fill up with tears and she rushes over to comfort Liam.

"Don't come back here again. Get out!" She yells at me.

"I-" I start to try and defend myself but I realise that there's no going back from this one.

I messed up really bad today.

I nod at Milah, then turn and walk through the doorway. I groan as I walk straight into Peter Pan.

"What are you doing here?" I ask irritably.

"Aww poor little pirate." Pan taunts. "What's wrong? Have you really got this fed up with waiting for Emma that you had to go back to her??"

A change comes over me and I feel enraged at Pan. I throw him against the wall and jam my arm against his throat.

"Just keep out of it - alright mate?" I say. Pan reappears behind me, laughing.

"Haven't we had this discussion before, Captain? You can't kill me."

"I'll find a way. Someday I'll be the one laughing at your dead body - that's a promise. I'm fed up just being another one of your pawns. Thanks to you I've messed up two girls' lives. How do I know the same won't happen if I ever end up meeting Emma?"

"You don't. That's the fun of the game." He stated, his eyes glinting darkly when he said the word 'fun.'

"What if I don't want to play your games anymore, Pan?"

"Well then I'll gladly give your corpse over to Blackbeard. But something tells me your not done here yet."

I sigh. I know he's right - I can't give up without finding Emma first.

"Okay so I'm not. What's the next part of our plan?"

"Do you want your heart back?"

I grin at Pan and he returns the smile, then beckons for me to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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