Chapter 13

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Milah's POV
I sighed as I perched on the edge of my bed. I had just slept for most of the weeks we'd been here and was feeling utterly useless. Killian was kept busy with Pan nearly all the time so I never saw him, other than a couple of times when he came to see how I was doing.

I'm angry now - at Killian for leaving me, at Emma for taking him away from me, at Pan for getting Killian to trust him and at Rumplestiltskin for being a coward - if he hadn't then I could be living happily with my husband and son.

"Hello, Milah."

Pan. I stare at him coldly.

"What do you want?" I demand. Pan walks closer to me. I instinctively place my hands over my belly to protect my unborn baby. Pan laughs.

"I don't want to hurt your baby, Milah. I want to help you." He reaches out to touch my tummy and warmth spreads all over it. There's a flash of purple light and I jump.

"Pan what did you do?!" I scream as pain explodes in my tummy and it grows five times in size. I'm nearly crying now with the pain and shout out.

"Congratulations Milah. You're about to become a mother."

Hook's POV
I walk briskly through the camp looking for Pan when I hear a faint screaming noise coming from his treehouse. I break into a run and as I get closer I realise that it's Milah.

"Milah! What's wrong?!" I shout as I bound up the stairs two at a time. Pan is standing over her, smiling smugly. "Pan... what have you done?" I growl.

"She's having her baby." Pan says.

"What?! But how...?" I say, completely confused.

"Killian... he did it. He made it grow." She says before crying out again.

"Pan you can explain yourself you have a doctor here?" I ask quickly.

"No, of course we don't. Luckily for you, though, one of my lost boys - Felix - can help you." He says, and clicks his fingers. Felix appears and he's wearing a doctors uniform.

"What the-" Felix gasps.

"You know how to birth babies, don't you Felix?" Pan asks cheerfully. Felix sighs.

"Yes." He looks towards me. "Before I came to Neverland I worked as a doctor, but Pan restored my youth to me when I came here so I would work more efficiently."

"Okay don't care - will you just please help her?!" I nearly scream at him.

"She yours?" He asks, nodding his head towards Milah.

Another cry from Milah.

"Hurry up!!" She shouts. I nod at Felix then go to Milah's side and squeeze her hand. She smiles weakly.


"Congratulations, it's a boy! Now my work's done I'm going to get some sleep." Felix says. He smiles at Milah and suddenly his tone is soft and gentle. "You did good, Milah."

We're all exhausted after being in that tiny room for 6 hours straight. Milah starts crying as Felix hands her the new baby and the leader of the Lost Boys starts walking out of the room. He casts a glance back at her, before returning to his cabin. I marvel at the new baby and hug my ex-fiancée.

"Well done, love." Milah smiles up at me, her eyes shining. "What are you going to call him?" I ask.

"He's called Liam," she says, without hesitation. "I decided before we came to Neverland that I would name my next son after your brother, because he cared so much about you and he reminds me of what a real family should be like."

I wasn't expecting that at all, and I feel the back of my eyes pricking with tears.

"Milah... I can't tell you how much that means to me. Liam would have been so proud to have a baby named after him. Thank you."

"Here," she says as she passes baby Liam to me. After a couple of minutes she looks straight into my eyes. "Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean that we can't still be friends, Killian. Like a family. Promise that you won't forget me. Please." I hand Liam back to his mother and take Milah's face in my hands. I look deep into her eyes so that she'll know that I mean what I'm saying.

"I could never forget you." I say slowly. She smiles again, but then a cloud passes over her face.

"Why do you think Pan sped up Liam's birth? Is he trying to hurt him?" She says, cradling him protectively.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out. Will you and Liam be alright for a while if I go to find Pan?"

"Yes, we'll be fine." I start walking out of the room when Milah calls to me. "Killian!"

"Yes love?" she pauses for a moment before replying.

"Thank you." I smile I return and set off to find Peter Pan.

Emma's POV

I cry out as I put all my energy into this last push. Cries from a baby echo through my head, an I turn my face to the side, away from the new born child.

"Emma," the doctor says softly. "It's a boy."

I shake my head as I bite my lip and try not to cry.

"Are you sure you don't want to see him? You know it's your only chance."

I don't care about crying any longer, and tears pour down my cheeks.

"I can't... see him. I might...fall in love...with him." I manage to gasp out.

"Love isn't always a bad thing, you know."

"No. It's too...hard. I want to give him...his best chance." I say determinedly, my mind already made up.

The doctor sighs and after looking a me for a couple more seconds, he walks out of the room holding my baby.

He's gone forever.

*flashback over*

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