Chapter 10

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Hook's POV

After spending 3 weeks in Neverland, I've now trained myself to recognise whether I'm dreaming or not, so when I find myself in the middle of a huge white room - if you can even call it that - filled with columns, I know that I'm dreaming.

I turn round to face a short man with brown hair and wearing a white... toga? Is that what you call those dresses that Greek people wore?


That's weird - he knows my name. Maybe this is one of the visions I sometimes have that tell me the future, like the ones with Emma.

"I'm Zeus, and I'm here to help you move on. You have done great things for the Underworld, you know that?"

What?! The Underworld? Helping me move on? Zeus - the God of Lightning? Am I dead?! Even though there are thousands of questions hammering in my brain, I just nod numbly.

"Good. And you're ready?" I nod again, still trying to work out what this all could mean.

This is only a dream. I remind myself. Or my future.

Zeus motions to walk through the light, and I do, expecting to walk onto clouds or something, but instead I feel myself falling and bright white light surrounds me.

I land on my feet with a bump, and in front of me is a large gravestone with 'Killian Jones' engraved on it. Emma is standing under a black umbrella, talking to my grave.

"I miss you." She finished, sobbing.

"Emma." I say. She turns around, cries out in joy and throws herself on me, kissing me repeatedly.

"But... how?!" She asks, still showering me with kisses. Suddenly my vision goes black and someone is saying my name.


"Rise and shine, mate." I sleepily peel my eyes apart to see Pan's devious smile centimetres from my face. I slowly sit up and stretch. That had to be the best dream I've ever had.

"What are we doing today?" I ask in a croaky voice, trying to push thoughts of Emma out of my head.

"It's time to get revenge!" Pan says, hovering above the bed. "But first - how would you like to learn to fly?"

Oh no.


We're standing at the edge of a cliff, and I peer over cautiously. It's a sheer drop. I take a deep breath in, and slowly let it out.

"Hook, I know about your dream you had last night." I can feel my cheeks heating up at the thought of Pan being able to see inside my head.

"And you're mentioning this because...?"

"To be able to fly you're going to need to picture it. Can you do that?"

I don't think I'll ever be able not to picture it again.

"Aye." I reply.

"You know that everything you've dreamt about is going to happen?"

The question which has been nagging at me all morning has finally been answered. It's real. It's all going to happen.

But that means I'm going to die...

"I wondered that."

"Okay. So the last thing you need to fly is-"

"Pixie dust. I know."

"You've done some research, Hook. I'm impressed." He says sarcastically. "Tink, c'mon."

A small girl with huge green eyes and blonde hair twisted up on top of the head emerged from the bushes. She walked up to Pan, her arms folded crossly.

"You called, your majesty?" She says, obviously mocking him. 'Tink' twirled a little drawstring leather bag around her finger.

"Hook, this is Tinkerbell. She's my fairy. Tink - meet Hook, the newest addition to Neverland."

"Hey," She said to me, her eyes making contact with mine for a second, and then she stared at the ground.

"Nice to meet you." I cringe at my polite greeting, and then cough and say; "I thought you were meant to be a fairy. Don't fairies have wings?"

A dark cloud passes over Tink's face and she narrows her eyes at me.

"I used to have them, until I tried to help someone. Then the Blue Fairy took away my magic and my wings, for misusing pixie dust. Speaking of which, Pan, can we finish our deal now? You know that there's no way I'm going to help you without something in return." Pan grins.

"You can take the rest of the dust as soon as I'm done with it. I promise."

"Okay. Hurry up."

Pan turns to me and after snatching the leather bag off Tinkerbell, sprinkles some of the golden dust over me. I turn round to face the ocean, trying to think about Emma, and waiting to feel my feet leave the soft earth.

Nothing happens.

I'm about to direct a cutting remark at Pan, when I feel a strong hand shove my back. I stumble forward, and to my horror I realise that I'm fallling off the cliff. The deep blue ocean comes hurtling towards me, and I just keep falling through puffs of cloud for about 30 seconds before I remember that Pan's teaching me to fly. I close my eyes and focus all my thoughts on Emma - her beautiful green eyes, long blonde hair, the butterflies that were going wild in the pit of my stomach when she kissed me, and the look of joy on her face when she saw me for the first time after I returned from the dead.

I opened my eyes again, and to my amazement I was hovering centimetres above the restless sea water. It snapped dangerously at my heels, and I soared higher, until I was face to face with Pan and an unimpressed-looking Tinkerbell.

"Good job. You didn't die," she said monotonously. "Now can I have my reward, Pan?"

Pan was smiling at me and nodded approvingly.

"Not bad. We'll practise again tomorrow."

He waved his hand and a chain with a tiny golden jar attached to the end of it appeared in his palm. He offered it to Tinkerbell.

"A necklace? Really?"

"Yes any time you want some just unscrew the top and shake it. I've kept our deal. Now go!" Tink sighs and snatches the necklace out of Pan's hand.

"Gladly," she retorts. "See you around, Hook." She winks at me.

"Aye." I walk back to the woods with her.

"Maybe soon?" She questions. I smile and raise an eyebrow at her. Liam had always said that I was a flirt.

"Maybe," I say, and she shoots a quick a smile over her shoulder before disappearing into the denser forest of trees.

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