Chapter 2

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I'm awakened by a soft knock at my cabin door.

"Killian - you have to get up! We're setting sail soon." I groan as I rub my head and slowly sit up. I've slept in far too late - I never sleep in!

"I'll be there soon!" I call to Milah. I slide out of bed and splash some water on my face before pulling my black leather trousers over my stiff legs, button up my red and black waistcoat and hurriedly pull on a pair of black boots and, of course, my long leather coat.

"SMEE!" I yell through the cabin door. My flustered-looking ship's officer Mr Smee  comes running down to my cabin and bursts through the door carrying a small wooden box.

"Do you have it?"

"Y-yes Captain - here you are."

"Thank you, Smee. Tell the crew I'll be up in a minute."

"Of course, Captain." After an awkward sort of bow, he scurries out of the room. I open the box carefully and after checking that the magical bean I entrusted to Smee is still inside, I lock the box and put it in my safe.


It's all hands on deck by the time I emerge from my cabin. I inhale deeply. I love this - a new morning, the smell of the salty sea air, and the gentle rock of my beautiful ship, the Jolly Roger.

"Alright, men! Are you ready to go on an adventure?" I call to my crew. I am rewarded with a great cheer from the men.

"Where are we going, Captain? Are we going to face Blackbeard?!" A young lad calls excitedly. I chuckle to myself.

"Aye lad! That we are! To Neverland!"

"Neverland?" Milah asks me quietly. "Killian, are you sure? Don't you remember what-"

"Yes, I remember. And I'm ready. But are you sure you want to come? There is time to arrange something if you aren't sure about this." She smiles.

"Wherever you are is where I feel safest." She kisses me softly on the cheek.

"Well in that case what are we waiting for? Crew! Untie the ropes! There are stormy seas ahead!"


Milah's POV

I swallow hard. I'm still not completely over the fact that Rumple was here. He tried to kill me! But there are so many things I want to ask him. Mostly about Baelfire. That's what I have missed most since leaving Rumple - and what I regret most. I left my firstborn child - my only child alone in the world. With Rumpelstiltskin of all people! Killian and I had always talked about going back for him, but we never did. I turn away. How can I live like this?

And what about Rumple? Yes, we fought a lot, but what about now?  He's not the coward he used to be. And Killian says he came back because he loves me. Is it possible that I still have feelings for him? I brush the thought aside, and focus on Killian.

We're well on our way now - to wherever Killian wants us to go next. For a minute I can't see him, but give a sigh of relief when I see him reappear a few minutes later carrying a small wooden box.

"Killian what are you doing?? You can't use that!!" I whisper urgently to him.

"It's completely safe, I promise love. I wouldn't put you and the crew in danger if I didn't know it was. Trust me, okay?" He says reassuringly.

"Okay." I hug his arm and smile up at him. Killian then walks over to the side of the boat, and he carefully takes out a drawstring bag and tips a small translucent bean into his hand. A magical bean, which will transport us to any other land we want (in this case Neverland). After studying it for a while, he casts it into the sea. We all hold our breath waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly the water glows an eerie green, and I can see some fish dart away, terrified. The water starts churning, and a whirlpool is created, creating the illusion that there is a giant hole in the middle of the sea. I gasp and grab Killian's waist when our boat lurches sideways and I am slammed against the side of the ship.

The ship sits precariously on the side of the whirlpool for a second, then plunges down into the darkness. I can't help but scream.

Minutes later, after being tossed and turned in the middle of nowhere, we suddenly stop. A wall of mist lies ahead of us, completely blocking our view of what's ahead. But then we're through, and sailing peacefully across a crystal clear lake, heading towards a beautiful beach - golden sands and cliffs adorned with flowers of every colour and type imaginable. A waterfall cascades down in the distance, creating a rainbow in the hot sun. I glance at Killian, who is in a trance, taking in the beauty and serenity of the place.

Then his eyes narrow, and he gets out his telescope.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's Blackbeard's ship," he says heavily. "They're here, and so is Pan."

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