Part 7:Hearts in danger

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"This is it if we cross this line we will be in enemy territory," Jiraiya clenches the straps of his back pack.

"Let's go," Dan commands.

They immediately scatter and head for the trees. Jiraiya upfront,Dan in the middle and Tsunade at the back. It didn't take long before they find traces of their enemy.

"They were here about four hours ago," Jiraiya looks at the ash from a previous fire.

"But why didn't they cover their tracks?" Dan asks.

"Maybe they want someone to find them?" Tsunade adds.

"Or they didn't cover their tracks because they're in their own territory?" Jiraiya rubs his chin.

They continue their journey east tracking their enemy. It didn't take long before the trio finds them. The enemy are located about fifty feet away. Two of them seem to be arguing over something.

"There's the scroll," Dan whispers,"strapped to the big guys back."

"They are fighting over something we could use that as a distraction," Tsunade points out.

"Good idea Tsunade," Jiraiya compliments her.

"Let's get closer," Dan whispers.

They move closer. Swift and quiet. But just as they prepare to strike something unexpected happens. The Hidden Stone ninja gets ambushed by ninja from the Hidden Mist.

"What the hell!?" Tsunade asks surprised.

"No idea but let's be careful," Jiraiya warns.

They stay hidden in the trees watching the Stone and Mist fight it out.

"Give us the scroll," a Hidden Mist nin demands.

"Who are you to make demands?" A Hidden Stone nin snaps back.

Suddenly the group of Mist shinobi attack the Hidden Stone shinobi. Tsunade,Dan and Jiraiya watch on as chaos erupts underneath them. The ground shakes,kunai clash and the scroll disappears.

"I lost sight of the scroll dammit," Jiraiya grits his teeth.

Suddenly a,large amount of,mist fills the air. It quickly spreads across the forest causing the Hidden Stone nin to panic. Sparks of clashing kunai can be seen here and there in the mist.

"Tsunade!" Dan pulls her out of the way a kunai cutting his arm.

"Dan,"she gasps,"are you okay?" She covers his wound with her hand.

"I'm fine," he breaths heavily.

Suddenly a man with a sword attacks Tsunade from behind. She manages to dodge his attack and punches him in the face sending him flying 100 feet through the air.


"I know."

Jiraiya covers Tsunade's back as she quickly heals Dan's wound.

"Got it," she finishes.

"Watch your back," Jiraiya warns.

Suddenly paper bombs tied to kunai embed themselves in the wood near the trio's feet. They escape,to the ground,just in time as the tree explodes splinters flying everywhere.

They stand on the ground back to back,forming a triangle shape,holding their kunai. Jiraiya's eyes scan the area left to right. A Hidden Mist nin suddenly attacks him but Jiraiya blocks the enemy with his kunai.

"Hey! You're from the Hidden Leaf!" He screams just before Jiraiya kills him.

The,thick,mist disappears as quickly as it appeared. Vanishing into thin air. As soon as the mist disappeared it reveals that Jiraiya,Dan and Tsunade has a much bigger problem then anticipated.

Konoha Chronicles: Days of future pastTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang