Part 23: The Terrible Truth

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Tsunade now walks behind Dan. Every now and again he would glance over his shoulder to see what she is doing. She doesn't look up but keeps her head low.

"Keep up will you," he commands annoyed.

Tsunade still does not look up but quickens her walking pace. He frowns before turning his head away from her. To his surprise she has not attempted to escape or talk sense into him.

Meanwhile back in Konoha ...

Shizune emitted Neji to the hospital for evaluation. She then runs to Tsunade's house to get the toad Jiraiya had summoned to watch Tsunade.

"Yes I know about you. Now listen contact master Jiraiya and tell him that something terrible has happened."

"On it," he disappears.

7 days later ...

Tsunade follows him through a lush forest. She can hear a river nearby and by the sound if it a large one as well. Tsunade takes in as much information about her surroundings as possible.

"Be quiet and follow me," he pulls on her arm.

They arrive before a large gate. Guards stationed at the top. They all are wearing white masks. Suddenly a man appears before them with a sword.

"Who goes there?" A deep scratchy voice asks.

"Code: 675-08."

"Who's she and where is the Hyuga boy?" He asks annoyed.

"We made a trade," he says calm.

"Why? Ōkina won't like this," he growls.

"She's the best medic in the world I'm sure he won't mind," he sounds confident.

"Very well. Open the gate!" He screams.

He shoves Tsunade forward,"move."

She frowns but walks forward. To Tsunade's shock it feels like she is right in the Leaf Village. The entire place seems to be a replica. The only difference being that nothing had the Leaf symbol on it or the Uzumaki clan's symbol.

By now the moon sits high in the sky. The place seems abandoned except for the people all wearing white masks who are staring at her.

He leads her to a place that looks like Hokage mansion but it's not. It has the same shape and height but is painted white. More masked shinobi are outside.

He leads her along the hallway. It's dark and menacing. Tsunade has no idea what to expect but she prepares herself for the worst.

Opening the door he pulls on her arm signaling her to stop. The room,that she believes is suppose to be a copy of her office,is dark.

"Where is the Hyuga boy?" A man asks.

He is sitting in a chair behind the desk. His reflection is slightly visible in the big window before him. He has his back turned to them.

"I traded him for her sir," he speaks calm.

The man suddenly turns around in his chair pressing his fingers together.

"And of what use is she to us?" He hisses.

"Well she is the best medical-nin in the world," Dan explains.

"Very well. I still want that Hyuga boy," the man smiles malicious.

"Don't worry sir we will get him," he bows.

"You know what to do with her and if she doesn't comply use force," the man laughs evil.


He grabs Tsunade's arm and shoves her out the door. They're going back for Neji. What about the village? Oh Jiraiya if you are there keep them safe.

"Where are you taking me?" Tsunade finally speaks up.

"To your room of course," he answers sarcastic.

They exit the large building. He leads her to a place that looks like an apartment complex. Opening the door to a small,crowded, and cramped room.

Suddenly he holds his head in his hands. His facial expression is that of somebody who is fighting his demons but losing.

His chakra flow became disrupted for a moment. But something is suppressing it or so it seems.

The room has one single bed wedged in the corner. A small window,on the wall behind her,which the moon is shining through.

"This is where you stay," he gestures to the room.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asks not afraid.

"Nothing yet but we will need your medical expertise," he turns around.

Once again he holds his head in pain banging it against the wall. Tsunade notices once more that his chakra flow is disrupted but quickly suppressed.

"Why are you doing this Dan?" She asks sad.

"Because my eyes have been opened. The great nations are corrupted and would easily start a war for no reason."

"Why didn't you come back?" She pressures for more.

"My loyalty isn't with the Hidden Leaf anymore," he chuckles.

She remembers that cheerful chuckle of his. His warm smile always warming up her heart. He turns around opening the door not looking at her.

"You wasted ten months of your life here when you could've spent them with me," she sits down on the bed.

"I know," he clenches the doorknob gritting his teeth.

Before Tsunade could say more her leaves shutting the door with a bang before locking it from the outside. Something in that 'I know' sounded like regret.

I'll have to stay here to gather more information on this place. Then figure out a plan to escape and bring Dan to his senses.

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