Part 22: a Fair Trade

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Two months after Dan's disappearance ...

Akira finally arrives in the village. Happy to be back she runs straight home. She bursts through the door cheerfully only to find the house empty.

"Uh,they must be busy?"

She runs straight to Hokage Mansion. Out of breath she arrives at Tsunade's office. Knocking on the door before entering.

Poking her head through the open door she spots her mother. Smiling she goes inside. To her surprise Tsunade doesn't even seem to notice.

"Hello mom," Akira greets happy.

Tsunade slowly looks up. An unspeakable happiness covers her heart but at the same time sorrow like a cloud also appears.

"Hello Sweetheart," she smiles.

"How are you mom?"

"I'm fine," the words struggle to leave her lips.

"I went home but nobody was there. Where is dad? On a mission?" She asks keen.

Tsunade suddenly hugs her daughter. She kisses the top of Akira's head. Akira hugs back even though she's confused.

"Your father went missing two months ago," Tsunade confesses sad.

"What?" Akira's hands fall limp on the sides of her body.

Late that night ...

Neji Hyuga is one his way home after a hard day's training. Sweaty and dirty he decided to go to the bath house first. After which he walks home.

The streets are empty. Nobody is around. Suddenly. There in the dark. Something moves. Then the sounds of something inside a trash can.

The dim street light doesn't reveal much. In the shadows something stirs again. Neji activates his Byakugan. Scanning the area he moves closer.

He stretches out his hand picking up the lid of the trashcan. Then unexpected a cat jumps out. How annoying.

But just as he deactivates his Byakugan something large grabs him. Someone strong and agile.

The following day ...


"Affirmative,mam. Neji Hyuga is missing," Hinata speaks in a soft,scared,tone.

"How? Where?" Tsunade asks angry.

"He never came home. We found his bag,which he puts all his ninja gear in,near an alleyway."

"Hinata go home and stay there. If they are targeting the Hyuga we must protect you. Warn your father too. Do you understand?" Tsunade speaks with authority.

"Yes mam," Hinata bows.

After Hinata leaves Tsunade sinks into her chair. She holds her head trying to compromise what was happening. With a sigh she opens the drawer taking out a photograph of Dan.

Where are you? She stares at his warm smile and friendly eyes. Remembering the sound of his voice and his soft touch.

8 months after Dan's disappearance and 6 months after Neji's vanishing ...

Reports from other villages are still streaming in about missing shinobi with special kekkei genkai. The numbers are climbing day by day.

So far only Neji has disappeared from the Hidden Leaf. Tsunade has the Hyuga clan under close guard and tripled the security of the village.

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