Part 9:Dan vs Tsunade

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"Are you sure this is a good idea Tsunade?"

"Don't tell me you're scared?"

"No but ... uh one of us might hurt," he chuckles nervous.

Without so much as another word Tsunade strikes. Engaging Dan in hand to hand combat and taijutsu. Dan manages to block or evade her every attack but admits that he can feel the intensity of each hit.

"You don't hit like a girl," Dan teases blocking her hand.

"Of course I don't," she chuckles.

She throws another round of blows at him aiming for his vital spots. Dan is quick to respond blocking all her attempts and protecting his vital spots.

"I do believe you are holding back," Dan blocks her fist by catching it.

"Of course I am. If I were to hit you with my full power I'd probably kill you," she winks.

Suddenly Dan appears behind her pulling her closer into a choke hold rendering her unable to move.

"You're faster than I thought," she admits.

"Let's not hold back," he whispers in her ear from behind.

She manages to pull free using brute strength alone. Tsunade knows that no matter how hard he tries he won't be able to hold onto her unless she let's him.

There is only one way he'll be able to stop me.

He strikes again this time aiming for the vital spot in her neck. She evades his attack by ducking and side stepping. Before he realises what's happening she leg sweeps his feet from underneath him.

He falls to the ground. She doesn't give him any chance to react and jumps onto him pinning him down to the ground. Tsunade makes a fist as if to punch him in the face.

"It's still that same look," Dan chuckles.

"What look?" She lowers her fist still sitting on top of him.

"That same look in your eyes. It hasn't changed since you were a young girl," he smiles.

"I'm confused. How do you know what I looked like as a young girl besides a photo," she frowns.

"I'll tell you if you are willing to listen?" He looks at her.

"Go on."

Dan begins to tell her a very interesting story ....

~flash back~

I was,peacefully,laying on a,thick,tree branch reading a book. It was the day I became a genin. I was listening to the birds singing and chirping a few branches away from me.

Suddenly I hear voices passing underneath me. Curiosity sometimes got the better of me so I put my book down and looked. I saw a boy with pitch black hair and his face resembles that of a snake including his eyes,a boy with,spiky,white hair and you.

Konoha Chronicles: Days of future pastHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin