Part 25: The Great escape

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The following morning ...

The turning of the keys and opening of the door wakes Tsunade. Dan comes into the room carefully closing the door behind him.

He doesn't say anything placing her breakfast on the bed side table along with some steaming hot tea. Avoiding her gaze he locks the door from the inside.

"Morning," he whispers to her.

"Morning," she yawns stretching her arms.

"I've important information for you about that meeting last night," he sits down next to her.

"Go on," she takes the food from the bed side table.

"Well,last night after I left I went to that estranged meeting of theirs. It was in a dark place and only a few candles were lit. We were all told to sit on our knees and look down since we aren't allowed to look at the Master," he begins.

"The Master?" Tsunade bites into a piece of toast.

"It's what he calls himself. Anyway he arrived and everybody was handed a piece of paper. He talked about the great nations and how corrupt they are."

"What else?"

"He said in order for the shinobi world to be free the great nations has to be wiped out starting with the Hidden Leaf. Yes Tsunade they're planning to assault the Leaf."

She stays silent for a moment finishing her piece of toast. Then she averts her attention to him staring at him deep in thought.

"Then we've to escape Dan. If the Leaf is in trouble I've to go back and protect my Village," determined she gets up.

Her words made it sound like he doesn't care about the Hidden Leaf anymore. He knows he has done her wrong and the guilt is already eating him up inside.

"We'll do it tonight," he gets up,"for now lay low."

A few hours later,nightfall ...

The clicking of the door signals Dan's arrival. Hastily he closes the door behind him locking it. Tsunade has been sitting patiently on the bed waiting for him to return.

"Alright everything is secure we just have to wait for that other guy to come by then well go," he explains.

"Understood," she nods.

A few minutes later there is a nock at the door. It's the same masked man from the night before. As usual he is on guard and knows that Dan is with Tsunade.

"Hey buddy don't take to long in there," he teases.

"Uhm err I won't," Dan tries to sound serious.

"See ya," he walks off.

As soon as his footsteps fade into the distance Dan unlocks the door. He scans the area first before letting Tsunade out. Quietly the slip into the darkness behind a small building.

"The way out is on the other side of the Village," Dan explains.

Just then they here people heading their way. Flashlights flash as the footsteps come closer. Tsunade readies herself for an attack.

As the two men approach Tsunade waits for them to step into the dark. Just as they did she and Dan knocks both men out leaving their bodies behind the building.

Suddenly a loud siren goes of and a screaming robotic voice saying,"prisoner escape! Prisoner escape!"

"Now what?" He asks.

Konoha Chronicles: Days of future pastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora