Part 7:Hearts in danger

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        Seven days later ...

Tsunade,Jiraiya and Dan head out on their mission. Their mission is to retrieve a scroll that contains forbidden jutsu which the Hidden Leaf developed. In the wrong hands it could spell disaster for Konoha.

The trio nonchalantly follow the dirt road out of Konoha. Tsunade still has butterflies from her kiss with Dan and the pair could barely look at each other without getting flustered.

Jiraiya has absolutely no idea what transpired between them and simply laughed in his mind. He did not understand woman at all especially Tsunade. Not that he cared being rejected by her but he would keep his distance.

"Are you two okay back there?" Jiraiya teases over his shoulder.

"We are fine," Tsunade replies quickly.

"How about we stop and rest at the inn a few miles from here?"

"Sounds good to me Jiraiya," Dan answers putting his hands in his pockets.

"So how are we suppose to get this scroll?" Tsunade asks tightening her two,loose,hanging ponytails.

"We will work out a plan of action as soon as we reach the inn," Jiraiya looks at the road.

Some 8 hours walk later ...

The trio arrives at Ryokan inn. Tsunade books three rooms for one night-all of the rooms located next to each other. They all unpack before deciding to hit the bar for a drink or two.

They all sit down at a table and orders a bottle sake. Jiraiya takes out a scroll and lays it on the table along with a map.

"I guess this means we are going to plan our strategy now?" Tsunade asks.

"Correct," he opens the map,"according to the Intel Lord Third gave us our enemy is located here somewhere," he points.

"I see right in the middle of enemy territory," Dan points out.

"So what do we do?" Tsunade sits back.

"Ambush is always our best option," Jiraiya reads the scroll.

"True it will give us the advantage and the element of surprise," Dan looks at the map.

"What does the Intel say about our enemy?" Tsunade sips on her sake.

"It says here that they are some of the best earth style users and they specialize in camouflage jutsu," Jiraiya puts the scroll down.

"Then I suggest we launch a surprise attack and get the scroll before they disappear," Dan drinks his sake.

"Mmm," Jiraiya rubs his chin,"it's our best option."

"I agree," Tsunade finishes her sake.

"Then it's settled," Jiriya puts away the map and scroll.

They spend the rest of the night chatting and drinking sake. Not to much though because they are in the middle of a mission and couldn't do their job properly if they all have a hangovers.

"Well I'm going to hit the hay," Tsunade finishes her last bit of sake.

"Count me in," Dan smiles.

"I think that's a good idea," Jiraiya yawns.

The following day ...

Trio gear up and set out to continue their mission. It takes them approximately five hours to reach the border.

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