Part 21: Vanishing Nin

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Some time after Tsunade became Hokage ...

"Reports have been coming in that shinobi with rare or powerful kekkei genkai are disappearing," Tsunade explains.

"How many has gone missing?" Dan asks.

"We don't know but we do know that almost every village is being targeted. Luckily nobody has disappeared from here but we've to take precautions."

"What do you suggest we do?" He asks reading the scroll.

"I've assigned a team to go to the villages and investigate. Meanwhile I will put every available shinobi on high alert here in the village," Tsunade sits back in her chair.

"That sounds like a reasonable plan," he puts the scroll down.

"This will be your mission. I've elected you as team leader. You and three members of the Anbu black ops will team up to investigate," she folds her arms.


"Just be careful Dan. You have a pretty unique kekkei genkai as well and if they don't already know I'm sure they'll target you," she sighs.

"Don't worry I'm sure I'll be fine," he smiles.

"Well your mission takes effect immediately," she gets up.

Suddenly three members of the Anbu Black ops appear what seems to be out of thin air. They were already briefed on the mission.

A few minutes later ...

"Good bye Tsuna," he cups her chin and gently kisses her forehead.

She closes her eyes smiling,"good bye my Love."

He turns around and walks off with the Anbu members. Tsunade watches them as their figures get smaller and smaller in the distance.

Eventually they disappear. She hugs herself with a sigh before deciding to head back to the office. I wonder how Akira is doing? I haven't heard from her yet.

Six weeks later ...

A,brown colored,hawk flies in over Konoha. Shizune,who is carrying a bunch of scrolls to Hokage mansion,looks up. The hawk soars down.

Holding out her free hand the hawk lands on it. On his left leg is a little capsule. Opening the capsule Shizune finds and reads the letter.

The hawk flies away ...

Shizune drops the scrolls and immediately starts running. Her body barely being able to keep up with her legs.

"Lady Tsunade!" She runs up the stairs.

"Lady Tsunade!" She runs through the hallway.

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune bursts through the door.

Tsunade was busy reading a scroll. A frown appears on her face as she looks up.

"What is it with all this racket?" Tsunade asks annoyed.

"This is for you," Shizune holds out the crushed piece of paper.

Tsunade takes the paper from her hand. Tonton jumps onto her lap and climbs onto the desk curiously sniffing the piece of paper.

Tsunade's worst fears come true as she reads the letter.

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