Thirty-One: To Rack & Ruin

Start from the beginning

"They're quieter than us," Harley said knowingly, having survived alone in a big city by the grace of her own silence.

As the bridge slowly materialized into view, Edvin was the first to observe what problems lay ahead on their journey. "Oh you've gotta be shitting me," he groaned as he leaned forward and squinted his eyes.

"What is it?" Robby questioned as he too leaned forward from the back seat, trying to get a better look.

"Looks like shipping containers. Alot of them," John said.

As the Jeep grew nearer to the bridge, it became clear that before the city had fallen, the people made an attempt to quarantine one side of Sydney from the other. Massive shipping containers had been stacked across all entry points to the bridge creating a tall blockade.

"Perez, was this here when your battalion was stationed here?" Robby questioned.

"Probably, but we didn't make it this far into the interior, so I couldn't have known," she responded.

Edvin slowed the Jeep as they approached the bridge and the blockade that stood menacingly in their way, "Well, guys.. What now?" He sighed as the vehicle came to a stop.

"What do you think the chances are that the other bridges are blocked off?" Robby asked to no one in particular.

John scratched the stubble on his cheek as he gazed ahead at the corrugated steel wall in front of him, "If they went through the trouble of blocking one off, I'd say it's pretty likely they did all of them. Otherwise why bother?"

"Sooo tie your shoelaces boys and girls. We're fucking walking!" Edvin announced in mock excitement.

Robby sighed, "Let's go have a look first"


Cimbing the shipping container wall was no easy task but working as a team, the group of six were able to manage. Edvin pulled the Jeep up alongside the wall which left the group only the height of one additional container to be climbed.

Standing at six foot three, Edvin easily jumped the extra two or so feet to reach the top of the container, then hooked his fingers onto the ledge and pulled himself up with little issue. From there, the group took turns boosting each other into the air where Edvin waited with a helping hand to assist in getting each of them onto the ledge, leaving Robby, who was the second tallest, for last.

With everyone atop the shipping container, they shifted their focus inward to see an incredibly long but nearly empty space.

"I can't see the end," Harley noted as she gazed as far ahead as her eyes would allow.

Edvin replied, "The bridge is a little over a Kilometer long," he paused for a few moments before continuing, "This fun fact brought to you by pointless information man"

Harley turned to Edvin with a furrowed brow.

He stared back at her until she lifted her hand and gave him two, slow piteous pats on his upper arm.

Meanwhile, Taylor had already pulled the backpack from his shoulders and rummaged through it to find a small pair of binoculars. He peered through them, anxious to see what lie on the far side of Sydney Harbor Bridge, "There's another wall," he informed, still looking through the lenses.

"Are there any Howlers between us and it?" Robby inquired.

"Negative," Taylor replied as he passed his binoculars over to Robby so he could see for himself.

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