Chapter 23

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"We understand you, we all had a hard year. We all have been heartbroken, but that's what happens in life! Our perfect match isn't easy to find, but you can't force it to come early. You'll have to wait and as difficult it seems, it's the right thing."
The light let Ginny seem magical as she spoke to Lydia, she understood Lydia in many ways but not that she had fallen in love with a Slytherin and not that she loved Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin? No, not possible in this world. Even though she didn't want to admit it, she still had a thing for him and the more she kept it inside her, the more it hurt. Another 30 minutes passed and the three, Hermione, Ginny and Lydia still sat in the room and talked about boys, cried into each other's arms and were just normal girls.

"Oh bloody hell, we gotta go or else we won't eat anything today!! ", Hermione screamed and hurried to the door the other two right behind them. The worst thing in Hogwarts isn't the fact that they actually get homework but that they can't eat after curfew, only if they snuck out of their common rooms and down to the kitchen but no one ever did it without being caught by snape and Lydia already had enough detention from snape, another week wouldn't even fit in this school term anyway.

Luckily the three still got to eat a bit, betrayed by the eyes of Snape who now had a closer look on Lydia. So if she ever does something wrong again she will flunk out of school.

On the other side of the great hall, another pair of eyes were stuck on Lydia. Waiting for something impossible. Of course, it has been Draco's eyes who were stuck on Lydia's movements. Somehow he sat alone, far off his friends on the other side of the room near the door. No one, beside him, knew what was going on. And that was too much to take for someone who had to choose this path of madness. His mother and father both were in Slytherin and followed the dark Lord since the beginning. His aunt was the craziest witch in the entire UK, she was the reason why Neville lost his parents. Draco would have felt sorry for him but he couldn't betray his family or the dark Lord. Over and over he had thought about how bad his life was, but it wasn't the worst he was rich as the queen and had a loving mother, not like the famous Harry Potter. 

The day ended pretty unspectacularly. Lydia had her first two hours of detention, it was harder than she expected it to be.


This Chapter is so short, I am sorry hahah.

like its only 469 words long ---

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