Chapter 12

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Two lonely people were running around in London. Two lonely people were searching for something they didn't even know. Mother and Son were lost in the big city. Scared of what they would find. Scared of the truth. Not one familiar face. Not one familiar scent. Lost in muggles. Lost in the thing they most disgusted. 

Lydia Thomson did not witness any of this. She and her fellow friend Anna were walking around London city. Keeping an eye out on pretty boys. Looking at clothes, they knew they couldn't afford. Searching for a mistake to make.

The streets were crowded, typical for Christmas. It felt stressed and though overly excited. The eyes grew bigger from shop to shop, kids eyes craved everything.

The two girls had a hard time not losing each other in the monstrous mass of people. "Lydia lets go to the Cafe over there", Anna said, grabbing her friends hand and running hand in hand to the small cafe on the opposite side of the street. The traffic lights just turned red in time when they got there. "Seriously?", Anna laughed hitting the button about a hundred times. Lydia couldn't help but notice a hair colour she knew too good on the opposite side of the crossroad. But it couldn't be. What would he do in London? A mud blood city. If it was him he would find out that she lied to him. He would hate her. And Lydia's heart would be broken... Again. However, she remembered she had already told him she would live in London so every little worry was gone.

One more time she looked towards the direction she first saw the hair but nothing. She must have had dreamed. 

"Come on Lydia it's green!", Anna said, waking Lydia from her thoughts. Slowly she walked on the other side and opened the doors to the small cafe. The words 'Litlle kitchen' was blinking in bright red lights, it must have been the name of the tiny cafe with the big cosy windows. Brick walls embellished the outside, maybe from the Victorian age but Lydia wasn't sure. The inside was decorated with fairy lights and light fabrics hanging down the white wall.

A scent of freshly grounded coffee greeted the girls and led them to a free table, near one of the big windows. "I love Christmas time", Lydia said as she took off her warm winter jacket and sat down. Anna nodded in agreement, waving a waitress to their table. "Hello, welcome at Little Kitchen, do you already know what you want to order?".  One look at the menu and Lydia knew what she wanted, "I'll take a chocolate chip muffin and a cappuccino.". It was fascinating how the waitress didn't write anything down on her small notebook she held in her hands. At least twenty people from young to old were sitting in this cafe and she was the only one working.

"My turn, I will take the pancake with hot cherries, didn't have any breakfast, and a hot chocolate. That's it, I guess.", Anna replied, following the waitress to go away. It was a calm dark afternoon and everything went great. Lydia eventually told Anna that she had a complicated love interest at her Boarding school, not mentioning his name once. "I hope you two figure out what you are soon. I had a relationship too. It failed he kept too many secrets from me..". Secrets. Both had secrets they didn't tell each other. A secret worse than the other. 

When the girls wanted to leave the little cafe, Draco entered the room, Hand in Hand with his mother. A pretty lady, who cared a lot for her son. Both looked a lot more exhausted than they actually felt. Running around in the city for over twenty hours without a stop during Christmas as was way more difficult than they thought it would be. "A table for two please.", his mother announced kindly, still looking a bit stiff-necked, even though she tried her best. Draco, on the other Hand, was disgusted, disgusted by all the mudbloods that surrounded him.

Lydia was shocked, he wasn't allowed to her like this in London. No, this was wrong. She kept looking outside the windows, like as the pigeons were more interesting than what was happening inside. Hoping she wouldn't get so much attention.

Eventually, in the right moment, Anna pushed her out but in the wrong moment Lyidas phone rung, her mother worried about her. The ringing of her phone caught Draco's attention. Luckily Lydia and Anna were fast enough to leave the cafe. As Draco turned around, he could only see Lydia's dark hair, not enough to get him to notice it was her.

"Draco, you need to eat. You are worrying too much. Everything will be alright.Eat something it will help", his mother suggested and headed to the table, where Lydia and Anna were sitting before.Draco was worrying again and the worst part was that his mother noticed. Why did his life have to be this way? Why couldn't he live a happy life? Why did his faster force him to be like this? He knew Lydia would hate him if she finds it out. Who would wanna be together with a death eater anyways?

Soon he would see her again and tell her he loves her. Sadly he also knew that their love wouldn't be allowed by the Dark lord or even by his father. But either way, neither of them knew the other's secret. Draco didn't know about her true family and Lydia didn't know about his task to kill Dumbledore. If he would have told her he would have carried that much of a pressure on his shoulders. But he was too afraid to tell her. Too afraid of her reaction. He didn't know that she felt the same way, just under different circumstances. 

"I am back home", Lydia screamed as she shut the door behind her. Only one more day until Christmas. The flat already smelled a lot like Christmas. "Damn it, the cookies", she heard her mum scream. And she couldn't help but let a small giggle out.

"Mum, Did you burn the cookies again? Maybe next time you should wait for me", she laughed as she took off her scarf and jacket. "You say that every year Sweetheart. Hey", Mrs Thomson said when she hugged her daughter as a welcome. "Hmm... Also", she stopped and went back to the kitchen to get a letter, "Lilo brought a letter today. She can't stay here over Christmas by the way. Grandma and Grandpa are coming". Cluelessly Lydia stared at the letter her mum was still holding in her hand, "From whom is the letter ?". "Ah wait", Mrs Thomson had to put her glasses on to see better, "From a Remus Lupin and Tonks. Who are they?". A big smile grew on Lydia's face. She loved Remus and Tonks, just like they were her parents. After telling her mum who they were, she snatched the letter and went to her room. The smell of a lid up candle flowed through the cold room and calmed her down. "What would you two send me", Lydia whispered. She started to read it was hard to read the quill writing of Remus, not even Mr Thomson had such a bad handwriting. In summary, they wished Lydia a merry Christmas and basically told her that she needed to be at the order meeting because she was needed.


Y Plus the style i tried is only a mood so yay

Xx emely




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