"Who's the one that got betrayed again? Me. I'm picking the fucking show." Y/n says while walking inside with the two women following behind her.


"You messed up." Camila says the obvious and Ally glares at her.

"I know." Ally admits. "I'm so stupid." She says while running her hands down her face.

Camila nods her head, completely agreeing with her friends past statement, since Ally won't see her. On the other side of the room, Normani continues to spin around in her chair, not caring about this conversation.

"You just have to listen to Kendall." Dinah chimes in without looking up from her phone on which she is texting Nela about Allys current situation.

Ally sits down beside Lauren. "She's never going to let me see Y/n again." She says sadly.

Lauren snickers. "That's the least of your problems." She says while dreaming of never seeing Y/n again. Lauren doesn't understand why Ally is so upset about this, she views it as a blessing.

Ally ignores Lauren and puts her head in her hands. She gets lost in her thoughts and tunes out the other girls conversation.

Instead of talking, Camila takes out her phone and goes onto Twitter. She ignores her notifications and goes onto Y/ns twitter. Camila likes Y/ns most recent tweet, which is a picture of Y/n smiling like an angel and looking flawless, and replies to it.

@/camilacabello97: @/y/t/n beautiful wifey, miss you a lot

Of course, Camila couldn't get away with one nice reply without Kendall noticing. Kendall is like a pitbull when protecting Y/n, she makes sure not no harm will come to her best friend. Kendall doesn't care about her reputation, the only thing that matters to her is Y/ns happiness.

@/KendallJenner: @/camilacabello97 stop being an attention seeking whore

Camila frowns and locks her phone, not being able to take the hate from Y/ns friends and fans. Why can't she be nice without being hated on? She's trying to do the right thing.

Normani looks over at Camila and senses something off with her. "You alright?" She asks Camila from across the room.

Camila nods her head. "Just thinking." She replies.

Ally looks over at Camila, but decides to focus on herself for once. She needs to figure out a way to get Y/n back. Ally, hopefully, didn't lose her yet though.


"If you fuck this up, I will make sure you never see Y/n again." Kendall threatens Ally after giving her the green light on seeing Y/n, since Ally was constantly indirecting her asking permission to see Y/n.

It's noon of the next day and Kendall called Ally not even five minutes ago to tell her that she can see Y/n. The weird thing is, Ally lives twenty minutes away and she's already at the house.

"I know. I'm just blessed that you let me talk to her." Ally says and Kendall rolls her eyes.

"We don't need any of that religious talk in here." Kendall says and looks at Ally but feels disgust. "Just go please, I can barely look at you." She says while pushing Ally away from her.

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